"Goddammit, first time leaving the south and this is what I get, if this is how the north is gonna be, I don't think I wanna go there anymore!" exclaimed Jameson as he exits the caravan. It was rainy and muddy outside but Jameson wasn't going to hang inside the caravan with a bunch of sweaty, grumpy men, might as well get out and see what's the problem. One step onto the ground and his foot was already sunken up to his ankle, "Great, gonna have to get a pair of northern boots if I don't wash this mud off soon". He noticed the broken wheel and the caravan master struggling with the awkwardly sunken horse, "Seems like I'm gonna be stuck with this pair of boots". Jameson waddled towards the caravan master and said jestingly as he stared at the horse's rear legs, "I don't suppose you're interested in having one of them seahorses right now. I can help you get your horse out, but I don't think it'll be in any condition to pull the caravan any time soon." He took another look at the wheel and then the surrounding forest, it was so foggy that he couldn't make anything out except for a clearing up ahead. Jameson started to wonder if he made the right choice venturing to the north, but it's too late to back down now, he's already about halfway there, and it sure beats the monotonous life down south. After a moment of thought, Jameson turned back to the caravan master, "So what's your plan sir? No way we're going north in these conditions."