[quote=Fetzen] If it should turn out necessary or at least really helpful I could adjust my big guy to a more 'benign' implementation (that is... changing race). Since Shoryu Magami's mage is gone I wouldn't spoil myself from interesting plot potential in this direction. [/quote] Yeah, I regret the fact that I can't contribute those ideas for you, since you definitely seemed interested in what I could contribute to the character's story arcs, but, as I mentioned over PM, I'm glad to see it hasn't prevented you from remaining interested in the game itself, even if the potential for that specific character has weakened. Good work suggesting the adapting if it helps too, though whether it's needed will be for the GM to think over instead of me (though if something does come to mind, I might pass my thoughts across; just because I'm no longer playing doesn't mean I don't want you all to enjoy yourself). [@Halvtand][@Fetzen][@FickleSickle][@knighthawk] I'd just like to say all the best to all of you, and while this game isn't for me, like the GM just mentioned, I still think it's a really interesting idea and the reasons it didn't work for me were only due to one facet of it (the whole steering away from depth/characterization thing), so don't feel dissuaded from continuing due to my decision. I think you'll all have a lot of fun if you play your cards right here. I just don't think I can contribute to that as planned.