Name: Ivan Levin Mikhailovich Gender: Male Age: 8 Nationality: Russian Power: Cryokinesis Personality: Ivan is quiet, mostly because his English isn't very good but also because he's extremely shy. When interacting with others, he seems stiff and unfriendly, speaking in a hushed and hurried voice and stammering. He's very sensitive and is easily made upset, especially when asked about his past or his parents. He'll often go days without ever speaking to anyone, or even leaving his room. He's reluctant to try new things, preferring to stick with what he knows. Bio: Ivan was born to rich parents in a small town in Russia. He and his four older siblings lived in comfort and were generally a happy family. Ivan attended school a year ahead of where he was supposed to be as his parents believed he was intelligent enough to handle harder work. Then when he was only five years old, his parents and siblings were killed in a fire while he was away at a friends house. He spent the next three years of his life in an orphanage. He's had a hard time learning English, and the other kids pick on him for being so quiet and reserved. He spends most of his time shut in his room, seeming to always be weak and sickly. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Other: Ivan has pretty bad asthma, and is allergic to cats, shellfish and garlic. He spends most of his time drawing.