Ivan stalked through the streets, his sharp dark brown eyes on the lookout for the infected. A small shotgun was attached to his belt by a leather holster, right by his side in case he needed it. Humming an old tune his father used to sing him when he was even smaller than he was now, he walked into what appeared to be a video store, thinking it likely to be abandoned. In times like these, who would need films and records? Ivan, who hadn't been around this town long, thought this would be a good place to start looting. Boy, was he wrong. He found himself staring at what appeared to be a standoff between a boy with a large bird on his shoulder and a paleish sort of girl wielding a sniper rifle. Fumbling for his own gun, he took a step back, prepared to do whatever it took to get out of this situation in one piece. He had a few options, he knew. These people likely wouldn't take it very well if he did what he was inclined to do, which was threaten them until they let him back off safely. The first problem with that plan was that he didn't speak very much English, so being verbally persuasive would likely prove difficult. The second problem was that the girl had a [i]sniper rifle[/i]. His sawed off shotgun looked absolutely pathetic by comparison. And lastly, the falcon was creeping him out.