[b]Quote:[/b] "Lets rock!" [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me2njoQ3dAY[/youtube] [b]Name:[/b] Johnathan Johansen [b]Alias:[/b] Johnny Ashton, John Brewster, Johnny Cash, John Denver, John Ellis, John Fogerty, Jonny Greenwood, Johnny Hiland, Ect. [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Powers and Skills:[/b] [u]Powers[/u] [url=http://static.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/18/001/569/653/DV016_Jpg_Large_H73727.001_classic_black.jpg]Magic guitar[/url]: The basis of his powers. Transformation: when he takes up his guitar, he turns into a 4 armed humanoid, this is in part a reflection of his inherent chimera syndrome from absorbing his twin in the womb. Audio mimicry: with his guitar, he is capable of mimicking any sound, from gunfire to human voices and modifying them accordingly. Sonic immunity: when transformed, he is incapable of being harmed by shock-waves or sound-based attacks. Sound attacks: the twin necks of his guitar act like a tuning fork, allowing him to make powerful sonic blasts. Some are more broad stroked like causing white noise to interrupt all sound in his area and effectively cause deafness, others focused to a single point like an acoustic phaser to deal concussive damage. The longer he has to 'solo' to build up the energy, the more powerful the blast when he releases the energy. Remote performance: even without the guitar in his hands, he can still use his connection to the instrument to play it remotely. In this case, he is limited to his skill as a guitarist, but he can indeed make it mimic human voice as many guitarists do. More of novelty but still noteworthy. [u]Skills[/u] Maestro guitarist; He earned his skill through blood sweat and tears even over his condition. Even with his disability, he is capable of performing [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88OgWvVJLkI]'flight of the bumblebee'[/url] at 4000 beats per second. Driving: Before his transformation, he was a garbageman and as such has his heavy machinery license for semi-trucks and its like. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Magic guitar: Without his instrument, he reverts back to a deformed human with monoplegia cerebral palsy. Merely taking it away doesn't sever his connection, but breaking it or immersing it in holy water, sealing it away in a lead box, tossed into an alternate or pocket dimension. These sort of things sever his connection until the pieces are put back together, removed from the water, or released from its confines. [b]Personality:[/b] He's a rock-star! High energy but broody manic-depressive, When he is up, you have to keep up, but when he is down, you need to drag him from one place to the next. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/01cc/f/2011/203/3/f/four_arms_by_gehenna_angel-d41bf4k.jpg[/img] [b]Biggest Claims to Fame:[/b] 1) world record-tie for fastest guitar. 2) GLOBAL nuisance by being part of a group that hacked all satellites in the world for 10 seconds while he blasted a riff that blew out 1% of all the speakers on the planet. [b]How Long Have You Been in Prison:[/b] Long enough to record 2 albums in confinement "Live from Blackgate" and "Alien Arkham Asylum". [b]Brief History:[/b] Not much to say that wasn't in the press already. A disabled youth who picked at his guitar and collected disability until he was 21 and got a job as a garbageman after that. He spent all his time playing even on the job with a broken piece of junk just to practice his motions. One day he entered a contest and won, the prize was a record deal, with a devil. The entity in question had gathered several skilled individuals and gifted them with powers or abilities then sat back and watched the mayhem they unleashed as a supervillain band of musicians. They, of course, were caught and many tried to break their deals with hellacious results. Johnny is the only one who has sat back and rode his crazy-train all the way to the station. [b]Notes:[/b]