"Aaah!!" Ivan stumbled to his feet, looking around frantically until his eyes came to the window. A young man holding a sniper rifle was visible. 'I-I... vasn't, P-Ple-please, I-I mean no hurt!" Ivan started to hyperventilate, stumbling over his words and blanking on his English. He threw his shotgun to the ground, raising his hands in the air for only a moment before doubling over and clutching them to his chest, coughing and gasping. He'd always been asthmatic, and panic tended to trigger his attacks. Which, unfortunately, meant they occurred at the worst of times. Thankfully this particular one didn't seem to be serious. He'd likely be fine with a little rest and some food and water. He managed to steady himself enough to stay on his feet, staring up at the boy in the window with fearful brown eyes. 'Do not... do not p-point gun on me! I go now!"