[center][color=6600FF][H3]No Man's Darkness[/H3][/color] How do you describe that which doesn't exist? Some might tell you "You don't." or "Just make it up". Or, if they're a sarcastic type they might say "Well a werewolf doesn't exist either but I can describe one perfectly for you.", and the funny thing is that they are wrong, there isn't a completely accurate way to describe nonexistence. How do I know this? It's quite simple honestly: [I]I[/I] don't exist. I don't and nor should I, and the fact that you are here means you don't either, this place...this [i]hell...[/i]It's a place unlike anything else, this place is a nightmare for people like you and I, the only sounds here are silence, and the only sight is darkness, this darkness is not simply a wasteland for us to wander, it is a prison, this place 'knows' us, it understands who we are, what we've done and why we've done it. Everyone and every[I]thing[/I] here lives is only here because of some unspeakable act they have committed in their life, worse than the most sinful murder, more ambitious than the grandest of larceny, it doesn't matter, if it is so horrible an act that you wouldn't wish it upon your mortal enemy, if it is so horrifying you wouldn't hear the bravest soldier speak of it without fear, these miserable souls have done it, and they now pay the price. This place may not seem like it but once you get used to the abysmal darkness, or the deathly silence, you'll know that your judgement has called. In a place like this, there is no salvation, no redemption, no hallowed ground, only unending darkness, and only grasping silence, and I can't feel sorry for you. Knowing the purpose of your being here, it's not easy feeling sorry for someone. That is what they would have me tell you, that is what I'm supposed to say, they...the [i]watchers.[/i] They own this place, it's their fault we're here, I have been here for so long that the one who told me the same thing has become but a distant memory, it's now fallen to me to shatter people's dreams, to crush their hope when some of them were simply accused wrongly, almost every soul here has passed me and has been told the very same thing: There is no escape from this dark and silent hell. But the truth is, that is a lie I have grown accustomed to, I [I]know[/i] there is an exit, I [i]know[/i] the truth and yet I lie, I lie and put these poor people down, but the problem is that I have no choice, you see, I was forced into this position by the watchers because I'm the only one who knew the truth, when I told people they laughed, they laughed in my face like a priest to a heretic, after all, what place do I have to get their hopes up when it was the very same soul who tore that hope into ribbons? But when I told the watchers of this, they grew angry. And I will explain this. A long time ago, I came to this dark world, there was a soul there who told me I could not leave this nightmare, I refused to believe him, but gradually, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the white noise grew distant and I believed him. I wandered the darkness for ages, time became irrelevant to me when I came across a ruined city, buildings had crumbled, roads were barricaded, homes were ransacked, it seemed as if a storm rolled through. Although the silence was no different, or the darkness for that matter, I enjoyed the solitude away from everyone else. It was after wandering around for a while when I found a cathedral that was blocked off in a seemingly desperate manner, worse than the roads around me, the usual barricades were up but there were stone walls guarding the entrance, rubble from the surrounding buildings were sitting in front, and ropes and wires were strewn about like a spider's web to keep apparently everything out. Curiosity got the best of me and so I climbed for who knows how long to get over the many shields, I stepped through the doors of the towering building and saw a ruined statue about 30 feet high, at it's base was a platform of bricks it was standing on, one of the bricks seemed to be loose and glowing, when I removed the brick I saw it, a small grey sphere with cracks wrapping all around it in an ethereal white light. It was only until I saw it that I remembered what "Light" was. The light showed me an image of a world that seemed all but alien to me, my mind had filled with memories so old. I could have reached in and left on my own, the thought seemed to be all that mattered in the world, I wanted to go home, I wanted nothing more, but then the thought expanded, I thought of the watchers who kept me imprisoned, I thought of the people who didn't deserve this imprisonment, I thought about how the watchers had us all on their leashes. Ever since the day I told them about this thing, I was forced to greet the new souls and tear their dreams apart. And it angered me, all these people trapped here, I would not stand for it. I likely have no place doing this but it did not seem right to me to leave all of these people behind, I owe it to them, they have just as much hate for the watchers as I do. I have pulled the wool over their eyes for far to long, I am done being the one to shatter the dreams of thousands, the world we live in will go empty, I swear it, I did not want to be the one to break hearts, the one to shoot down dream, to shatter hope. I did not want to damn hundreds of people, but I did anyway, I owe it to these people whether they accept it or not. Now I sit here at home, writing all of this down in the most obvious yet overlooked place, no one would expect to find me here, but my time is short, soon they will come. To anyone who finds this, if at all, know that you have my most deepest apologies, it was not in my best interests to shatter your hope, I did not have any choice, I can hear them outside, they are trying to get past the barricades. My time is running out, the way out can be found at a desolate city far from here, you'll know it by the crumbling spires and war torn streets, look for the heavily blocked cathedral, under the ruined statue is a loose stone, remove it and you will find this place's salvation. Whether you save yourself and yourself alone or you get word to everyone else is up to you, they have found their way in, they're coming for me now. To any who find this, my name is [i]'̀͝ ]҉̶̴̧̡ \͘͡͞]-̴̶̕͘͠ '",͘͜҉[/i] , good luck, and goodbye.[/center]