Dazzle didn’t mind the team she was assigned. In fact, for this mission she preferred them considering the alternatives. Mr. Lovecraft had useful abilities and skills, but he wasn’t sure how stable he was. The only issue here was that they had no real military training, but this was a flaw almost the entire group had. When they were on the helicopter she addressed them. “Ok now the boss isn’t giving us the evil eye so let’s talk if you want. As was said before I’m Dazzle but call me Daz. When we get there make sure you check your fire and watch for civilians. Follow orders and try not to die then you’ll be okay.” Daz knew the ‘staying alive’ part might be difficult considering they were walking bombs, but she would hope one of them wouldn’t make a break for it. The only person she would need to watch is Cecil. It was nigh impossible to actually hack her and still live, but he was known for close to impossible cyber warfare capabilities. When they landed the team grouped up. Dazzle unslung her rifle loaded with armor piercing rounds mostly for the robots they would encounter. They walked down the stairs and found a large Blue Humanoid Robot. Dazzle didn’t have time to wonder how it survived the earlier rampage before it Identified them shouting. “Intruder please leave the premises!” It walked over in a quick stride an reached out to grab Dazzle. She slapped it away with enough force to dent it then put a burst of rounds into its face. She kept firing at the machine, but it jumped backwards with surprising agility. Its head twitched before a laser cannon came from its shoulder. “Intruder is armed lethal force authorized.” “Everybody take cover!”