Malik breathed a sigh as he watched he setting sun slowly descend into the horizon. He was running out of time. He turned his attention back to the trail of blood he had been following since he left his grandfather's cabin. Malik was a excellent shot with a bow, it wasn't even a matter of bragging it was simply a fact but his hunting skills were still less than desired. If he wasn't as skilled a shot as he was, he probably wouldn't have even manged to hit the spooked animal at all, the only solace he took in the situation. The trail was growing thinner and thinner near the edge of the property. The good news, the animal was probably dead or close to right now. The bad news, it was now in town. He hadn't been into town since the virus started, he didn't even know if there were people alive there and if there were would they be friendly? He composed himself. If anything happened he would deal with when it came. He needed to retrieve the animal and the sun would be setting soon. He didn't have time to worry about it. Determined, he slung his bow back over his shoulder and followed the fading blood trail into town.