What I hate about the debates is, like..... Trump lists off a record of self-indictments by Clinton. Clinton avoids being rattled, doesn't acknowledge them -- Clinton won that exchange, in the eyes of the media. Clinton's emails are read off, she talks about X and gets caught in a lie -- but she doesn't get rattled, so it's imaginary-points for her. Call Trump an ineffective businessman (two blocks away from the [i]Vegas strip casino that he fucking owns, and oh yeah it's gold plated[/i]), he gets rattled -- yup, must be an ineffective businessman!! In this election more than any other I can remember, "Looking good while being terrible" just counts for so much more than "Being good and looking terrible." It's probably always been that way but now I notice it more than usual. The facts are inconvenient distractions from the theater, and I-shit-you-not [url=http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/18/revealed-96-percent-of-medias-campaign-donations-went-to-clinton/]96% of the media is literally in Hilary's pocket[/url], so they control all the theater too. It's ridiculous, I hate it, and I hope it doesn't work. On the bright side -- there's a way to make it actually worse. [url=http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/21/mcmullin-surging-in-utah-indy-candidates-plan-for-electoral-college-chaos.html]I'm voting for chaos. You should vote for chaos too.[/url] Let's make this as terrible as possible.