[hr][hr] Cradled by the enclosed crevice of a crowded space, the remaining four realized that room to be their fated place of rest. Recalling that their last accounted time of sleep was soon interrupted by the warnings of their vigilant pilot, the effects of exhaustion prove not be shy but rather obvious with the occasional slipping of the eyelids and nods that grew according to the desire of a dream. They were tired. Even if continually flustered by the invasion, the physical body requested rest. Whether or not that request was one attended to, sounds could be heard beyond the confined walls. A language of some strange sort, one vehemently voiced in short spouts. But their laughter was a special thing, when it was a thing heard, it made these so-called, "Skull-men", men, it made them the ever so slightly human. Or at least, sentient and less animistic. Yet whether or not sleep was a request fulfilled, time amounted into the grander scale upon the next moment which the crew would be in some form or way addressed by the extraterrestrials that lurked about. The next time that door was ever opened, was the instant one of the darkened creature hooked his grasp upon Tahlia's forearm. She could then distinctly recognize at least even from just pure touch and pressure that this was the same alien from the cockpit that had slung her body with incredible ease hours prior. He had the impression of an alpha among the others of his kind, distinctly he was by far the tallest with the most defined of a muscular stature, a chief perhaps. Tahlia's guide was a tug out of the unfurnished room stationed as their cell, and pulled into the hallway. Circled by the brutes functioning as a sense of security, Tahlia felt something hard compressed against her stomach. Looking down she notices it to be of an oval shape, examining it a bit closer at its texture, it is then much more accurately discovered what this supposed object were to be. It was a loaf of bread, stale bread from the feel of it and of an odd shade of purple and blue- confirming its alien origins. But it would be best to speculate that they were in no plans to be poisoned, it would not make any sense. If the alien intruders wished for the humans dead, that would be a wish attained. The alpha also placed another item into the palm of her hand, a leather flask poured with water. And with that he nodded, uttered a few words that clearly registered to Tahlia as foreign, but whatever he said, the rest surrounding voiced their amusement and glee in a roar of laughter. At least it lightened their mood and Tahlia was not so roughly handled once escorted back to the cell. Returning, she bore in hand food and drink . She did not know when the next time they would be given their next meal, but it was up to her for now how to approach the situation. Or even how to reason through why they choose to give her the food and drink rather than any of the others. [hr][hr]