[url=https://postimg.org/image/rmko8f5e1/][img]https://s12.postimg.org/c13cogtfx/Ivan.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/]free image host[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Ivan Levin Mikhailovich [b]Age:[/b] Looks 9, is 11 [b]Description:[/b] Ivan is a small boy, only a little over four feet tall. His messy golden brown hair falls to just below his chin in unkempt layers, framing his pale face. He has a pair of sharp dark brown eyes, that always make him look alert and watchful. His build is frail and skinny, with long slender limbs and childish facial features. His posture leans a bit to the left and he walks with a limp. He dresses in whatever rags he can get his fragile thin-fingered little hands on. Right now, this means a worn out orange waistcoat at least three sizes too large for him, a white button down shirt that's surprisingly unstained, torn black dress pants and no shoes for his little feet. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Ivan is quiet, mostly because his English isn't very good but also because he's extremely shy. When interacting with others, he seems stiff and unfriendly, speaking in a hushed and hurried voice and stammering. He's very sensitive and is easily made upset, especially when asked about his past or his parents. He'll often go days without ever speaking to anyone. He's reluctant to try new things, preferring to stick with what he knows. [b]Backstory:[/b] Ivan's mother died giving birth to him, and his father, tied down with caring for sick relatives, sent Ivan off on his own to find money to help the family. Ivan, finding no work in his hometown, joined the caravan with hope of finding his fortune elsewhere. [b]Skills[/b]: Sneaking, hiding, marksmanship, drawing, general craftiness [b]Extra:[/b] -Ivan has asthma and is allergic to cats and shellfish -He is afraid of heights and spiders -He carries his mother's wedding ring in his pocket at all times -He walks with a limp because of an accident he got into when he was only eight years old. He fell off of a roof and fractured his right leg in two places. -He suffers from chronic nightmares that cause him to sleep poorly and occasionally wet the bed. He really doesn't like to talk about this. -He tries not to kill unless he has to, and usually only shoots non-lethally. -Despite the above statement, he has very good marksmanship and could probably kill if he had to. -He likes to draw and is quite good at it.