It seemed like all at once, Audrey's brother and her had become the local orphanage. On one hand she had been happy to help and protect these children who didn't have anywhere to go. It meant saving another life in this day and age. It meant feeding a hungry stomach, or cleaning a dirty face. Through out the time she stood by and watched these two boys, studying them. She wanted to make sure that they were not using the siblings for food and shelter and then steal from them while they slept, or worst yet kill them. Audrey spoke low to Aaron as they sat at the dinner table, [i]"They seem to be genuine."[/i] she admitted, [i]"It would be good to have the extra hands here, we don't need it, but it would be nice."[/i] she said. Her greyish green eyes peering up at the two new comers: Gabriel and Ivan. Audrey took a sip of the soup and was welcomed with a warm embrace of flavor. It was something she hadn't had in a long time and for a moment she felt at home. She let out an audible moan of delight as she continued to eat the food. Swallowing she looked up at the two young boys, [i]"You two can stay, but if I see any funny business.."[/i] she looked at them stern, as a mother would her children. [i]"I don't give second chances in that respect."[/i] she said, her stern face growing into a smile. [i]"But it is nice to have new faces around here."[/i] [@DriveEMOut][@LordofthePies][@Oliver]