Bladur had been one of the lucky ones to have been sitting in the back of the Caravan so he landed on top of most of the lot. He was more than sure that he probably would have broken something had he been landed on by even one of the occupants of the caravan, save for the sickly boy who had been traveling with them. After getting his bearings back once more, Baldur got to his feet and stumbled out of the Caravan with a grim look on his face. He observed the others trying to get the now obviously lame horse out of the mud. Baldur didn't bother helping the lot that were trying to get the horse out as he knew he didn't have that much strength left in him. Instead Baldur walked into the outskirts of the forest and began picking up stick so he could hopefully set up a fire using a little bit of his magic to keep himself and the others warm until they were ready to head out "if you ask me we should just put that horse out of its misery..." Baldur said to himself as he crouched down to pick up another stick.