[@Dynamo Frokane] [hider=Captain Nathaniel James Mason II, 98th Recon Battlion of the Therux Special Forces, J Company] [hider=While Captain of the 98th Recon Battalion, J Company] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/8e6b/f/2012/062/a/8/alliance_fighter_pilot_by_kafelnikov-d4rn9v3.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Presently][img]http://b-i.forbesimg.com/insertcoin/files/2013/10/fired.jpg[/img] He also wears a lengthy chain with seventy-three 7.62x52 rounds hanging from the chain itself, signifying the amount of high value targets he has killed during his tours.[/hider] Name: Cpt Nathaniel James Mason II Age: 38 Origin: Therux State Height: 6'2" Weight: 140lbs Backstory: [i]Age Seventeen:[/i] Nathaniel follows in his fathers footsteps (General Nathaniel J. Mason) and volunteers for the Therux Mechanized Armed Forces (TMAF). Completes boot camp and continues on into advanced training as Therux MM32 (Mechanized Mechanics). [i]Age Eighteen:[/i]War is declared. Nathan requests transfer into special operations MSO-44 (Mechanized Special Operations) training. Enters into MSO training a few months later and begins training in mk2 Prysm class mech for 8 months. [i]Age Nineteen:[/i] Sees combat first hand in the Epsilon District of Therux 121 miles away from capital. Earns first kill and Purple Heart [b][u]Timeskip[/u][/b] By the age of twenty five he had been apart of many missions all over the lands. Although much of his time was spent closer to Lens Mira, a fault line that ran in between the NF and Therux but cut in towards Hylo. There, his missions were rather simple (Will explain more in IC) but effective. It was later into the war did he stumble across the "Great Heavy" (as those in Jackal Company called him), a mech piloted by Captain Alexander of the Northern Frontier. A heavy firefight had ensued during his mission when he had encountered the Great Heavy, who had shot his cockpit, nearly killing Nathaniel in the process after taking off his legs. He was quickly EVACed out and removed from service. It wasn't until months later did he return back to his regular command after much debate and talk, bionics replacing his natural ones. Years later on two separate missions deep within both [s]Hylo and Frontier[/s] territory did he lose his left and right arm with part of his lung and kidney but not before taking down 26 of the opposition, giving time for reinforcements to come. A few more years had gone by before the war came to a close leaving Nathaniel to deal with some public backlash when one of his mission details had gone viral throughout the public media. He was asked for interviews, audio clips and many other things but as per usual he remained silent and despite the back lash he received he was still one of the more decorated soldiers of the war and considered the "Deadliest Therux Pilot to date." He has always claimed he was just doing as directed and refuses still to talk about his work. However, if one is handy with technology, one could dig up his past and uncover the blackness that was Jackal Company. Tactical Preference & Skills: 17 Years Combat experience, 54 Missions, Confirmed 348 Kills (21% High Value Targets), Excels in stealth and infiltration operations. Quote: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTCwnUSiTrw][i]"And with the silent night shrouding my form, I shall raise the messenger of death and once it has spoken I will then fade into the shadows like a phantom, never to be scene again but most definitely to be heard again."[/i][/url] [hr] [hr] [hider=STA-0317 MkII+ "Spectre"] Name/Title: Surveillance and Target Acquisition Model 0317 Mark II+ [Codename: "Spectre"] Appearance : [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/03b6/i/2010/266/8/2/negative_mech_suit_by_rocketraygun-d2zawlw.jpg[/img] Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal Equipment & Armaments : Hand Slot: -225mm MERC-0317 "Severence" Smoothbore Silenced (Works in Conjuntion with GenTech AS-860i OPCES) -Payload includes: DU rounds, HVAP, HVAPC, HESH and HESHC rounds (Rounds can be tracer or non-tracer) Sub Weapon Slot: -Silenced 60mm Vulcan hand cannon (20 rounds per mag 4 magazines total) -Payload includes: Hollow point, FML and AP Shoulder/Back Spot: -Shoulder Situation Multipurpose Launchers (Shoulder Fired, Right Shoulder: Smoke, Flares, Incendiary) -Shoulder mounted 30mm Gattling Gun (Shoulder Fired, Left Shoulder) Gadget Slot: -GenTech AS-860i OPCES (5th Generation Combat systems with built in jamming system, low output/high effeciency radio and long and short range scanners. Comes with multiple optical settings; Infared, Night-vision, Thermal and zoom and offers the classic) - -Advanced Sound refraction suspension and mechanics (Assists in stealth movement, muffling much of the components in the mech and its suspension system) (Stats Scale: Light/Heavy Body: 4 Accuracy & Tracking/Firepower: 2 Air Mobility/Thrusters: 5 Solo/Skirmisher: (Solo) 4 Flavour Text: [hider=Disclosed Information of Phantom class mech, Codename "Spectre"] Spectre was originally designed to replace the current MkII Nero Class heavy weapon assault mech and the MkII Blitz Class assault mech because of its lighter yet stronger frame and its dual hybrid reactors giving the mech a larger payload while allowing for greater mobility and speed. However, due to the cost of making said mech (Roughly 2.5 Billion Theros) only around 100 were made compared to the 10,000 that were ordered. Pilots of these mechs had to have a near flawless record and pass the necessary tests to even be considered for said mech. Thousands of pilots had applied and trained for said mech but only one hundred were chosen, most of rank first lieutenant and up who had experience on the field.[/hider] [/hider] Theme songs (Sorta in order of his time in the military): [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGL0xmMBob4]"My name is Captain Nathaniel James Mason II, 98th Recon Battalion, Jackal Company. I look forward to serving you all as Captain and I will try my very best to protect you all."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY]Hey Captain! "Yeah" Permission to- "Just fucking say I, Stevens. Ya haven't shut up since Eagle's Peak." *Laughter heard on Comms* Well, do you think that this war is even worth the trouble that Colonel Rutger and command are putting us through? I mean, I'm a highly trained, ace pilot of a mark two point oh phantom with 12 successful missions under my belt, shouldn't I be on the front lines commanding some folk, charging in as the tip of the spear? "...Stevens?" Yes sir? "You really need to work on your gripping skills." *More laughter through comms*[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7nBiQMN0jg]"We lost a valuable and caring little brother. Corporal Francis Stevens. Hehh, "Mighty Mouth Stevens" Kepler used to call him.[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-He6EzP5zY]Captain sir! "Call me Nate" Uhhh...Nate, sir? "What?" Are we going in? Colonel Rutger and Command- "Fuck'em! They're not out here seeing what I'm seeing...Let's go!"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW0j0smt8fY]"I gave you a direct order to hold Mason and you refused to fol- "AS GENERAL PIERCE GAVE YOU THE ORDER TO MOVE IN WITHOUT 88th INFANTRY TO SUPPORT AND YOU REFUSED TO FOLLOW HIS, SIR!" Who do you think your talking to Mason!? "THE POT, WHOSE CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK, With all DUE respect, sir!"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JL5YJ3ugEo]*Looks out towards the smoke and dust filled battfield to see as the dust settles and the smoke clears that only 4 others survived*[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He4YV1uqwfs]*Sits in recliner, staring at a glass of whiskey on the rocks before glancing over at his old company's picture, his eyes wearily scanning over the faces crossed out before downing the glass and pouring another.*[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz5h_nUwHIo]Sigh...Another mission...another life taken before its time. Then again who am I to judge those who await judgement for my time is upon me. It's merely a matter not of when but who will be the one to cut the tether to my life strings.[/url] [/hider]