Levi took deep breaths her charge stopped midway. While she did end up colliding with the suit she stopped all the less what reason was she fighting? To end the pain? Yet it was only a brief solution at best. Though it seems that despite the battle going on things was going to change just not the way people thought. As she was thinking about it the battle around them suddenly stopped as Zeon was forced to retreat due to something that happened on the ground. With their hasty retreat they in the long run left some pilots and the like behind this was nothing new it was war and as such mistakes are made and in rush and the turmoil of battle. This was no difference. The few people in the space battle left behind in the turmoil that was the aftermath. Yet it was not just one side that made the mistake in the long the vaunted EFSF with their quick advancements in face of adversary was just as prone to making mistakes. Like human debris they were left behind pilots on both side who fought and bleed for their goals left nothing more as debris littering the scape.