[center][img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Male%20Characters/ezgif.com-resize_zpsot2don1i.gif[/img] [sup][b][u]Interactions:[/u][/b] ([color=gold]@Self[/color]) || Sneasel ([@Thundercrash])[/sup] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Jackson and Raven hadn't made it far before a range of different sounds had gone suddenly gone off, one particularly a gun shot. Though it seemed to have been perfectly shot off when a truck engine behind them burst into flames, Jackson had been trained to differentiate sounds like that. The shot had lodged itself into the tree just a few feet away, and caused Jackson to turn back, but only to grab Raven by the arm and haul her forward into a bolted run. [color=#0B5345][b]"If we get separated, head North East towards Maine. I've heard theres a Refuge of sorts there."[/b][/color] Raven wasn't really focused too much on what he was saying. Her head was spinning and was suddenly feeling the need to throw up. Without warning, Raven collapsed to the ground. Jackson stopped in his tracks and looked back at the wall of fire that was closing in on them, knowing full well who was on their tail, and for a split second he almost thought of leaving her for them. Jackson shook the thought from his head and quickly shooed Electabuzz away from her, grabbing her up and placing the unconscious girl on his shoulders, holding one leg and one arm. Raven lay limp over him in the Buddy-Carry position, Electabuzz complaining to Jackson in his ramblings with Houndour growling at him. Seemed as though Houndour was trying to tell him of Jackson's intentions, and it appeared to be working. Electabuzz followed close behind Jackson as he ran with his passed out trainer, keeping a watchful eye out when suddenly he looked up in the tree to see Sneasel. Electabuzz grabbed Jackson's pack and yanked, pointing towards Sneasel and rambled off incoherantly at him. Jackson looked up at the Pokemon and grumbled to himself, following where the Sneasel was trying to lead them. [center][img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/f78aba4b5e3c389b7fd577d29cc2742b/tumblr_o23dqwk6681qbjx58o2_500.gif[/img][/center]