[b]Name:[/b] Skylar Altzan [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Description:[/b] Short for a male, Skylar stands 5'3". He wears simple garments, a tunic, breeches, and boots. He keeps an oil cloth coat for the rain in a large back pack. He cuts his black hair short himself, not caring his hair is uneven and unkempt. He limps slightly from a childhood injury but nothing that interferes with his day to day life. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Open and blunt, Skylar could never be accused of possessing tact. That didn't mean he was rude. He just felt that honesty was the best option amd refused to play those silly social games others indulged in. Life was so much easier that way. [b]Backstory:[/b] All magically inclined, the Altzan family ran several magical shops in the south. He grew up around magic and fell in love with it. He had practiced since he could read his mother's tomes and discovered an easy talent with defensive magics. The more violent ones made him a little queasy. It was this affinity for magic that made them a target for demon worshippers. They were attacked , captured and sacrificed. A few even succumbed. Skylar decided to flee, keeping his magic secret in hopes he would escape. He decided to pass himself off as an explorer, looking to make it rich in the North. [b]Skills[/b]: Skylar specializes in defensive and utility magic. Since his distaste for offensive magics stopped him from learning them, he learned how to use a raiper if he ever needed a way to defend himself without magic.