Guys? Quick question! [hider=Confusion I probably shouldn't have]How the fuck do the rest of us respond to someone who has Returned By Death? XD I mean of course they go back in time (well, respawn in this instance, but it still involves backtracking time (I think)), but what about the rest of us who are currently about to try save dead people? :O Are we in parallel worlds or just different timeframes? The most logical way I could see it happening is those who die basically "disappear" from their death place, as though they never existed, and respawn somewhere [i]ahead[/i] of time fully healed (I think that's the way [@liferusher] wanted it), but their involvement in the incident basically becomes obsolete. Yet, this proves a problem for those native to Lugnica, since their deaths become permanent and cannot be undone, unlike what happens in Re:Zero a couple times :P[/hider] Maybe I just need to re-read the death mechanics >_>