[@Lucius Cypher] [quote]Return By Death Just like anywhere else there is also death in this world. Death would mean seeing the white light and never feeling anything again but this is different. This death doesn't take you to the wondrous world called heaven. When you die here you will be reborn again to the same you as a few hours ago. You'll be send back to the place you were at on 10 am in the morning if it isn't a special occasion ordered by GM-chan. Death still feels like death don't get me wrong but the pain and wounds will go away after you are reborn. Your body is the same as it was at that time. Your mind stays the same still so you do have recollections of what happened before you died. You might think that NPC's would be shocked to see you back alive again but they aren't, NPCs totally forgot that you died, your corpse has disappeared within a minute. NPCs don't remember anything that you have said to them between the time that you were set to a respawn point and the time that you died. Others like you do remember though, they saw your corpse but didn't see it being cleaned up or anything, it was just gone out of nowhere. They know you died. When you are reborn you might think that people would see you just pop up out of nowhere, instead they say things like you have been standing there doing nothing for the past few minutes. Things you have moved around before you died still are at that spot you moved them too. When you die you might not notice much difference but you feel a faint feeling of weakness. The gear that you wore when they died feels heavier. Spells feel harder to cast and you will feel weaker in general. Only after having battled beasts or other creatures for some time the feeling will go away and they feel like you're your usual self again. Killing NPCs is no big deal, they die like regular people. But simply trying to kill a boss or the like surrounded by others will not work so well. If you die after having killed any NPCs by your own hands in the last 10 minutes the NPCs in those 10 minutes will get back to live again. [/quote] That's what I used for the basis of Vesta's 'rebirth' after she died. Currently she is weakened and feels ill, however she still has her somewhat vague memories intact. Though her last memory is looking at an inferno so that doesn't really help XD