[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Welcome to the land where everyone watched the Super Bowl by the millions but suddenly aren't interested in TV once politics or literally anything important comes one. This is honestly one factor of why I think we just need to get rid of major league sports and erase that shit entirely. [/quote] Eh, I'm not a fan of sports either, but only for the same reason I'm not a fan of Doctor Who or Death Metal: It's just not my thing. But it is all escapism, and we are all doing some escapism, being that we are having this conversation on an RP site. True that religion, and football, might be opiates of the masses, but only in the same way Netflix, video games, breakfast burritos, and reading are the opiates of the Vilageidiotx. The problem isn't too many "Opiates"; it's too little serious attention to politics. That's something else entirely. Too few people are making the most of their citizenship. I think it is possible to enjoy things and also be a responsible citizen.