[quote=@Lucius Cypher] [@Delta44] Yeah honestly it's pretty confusing, hence why people who die will go slowly insane as they try to figure out the nature of their existence. Seriously, players are suppose to start going insane, in whatever form that may take, as they continue to die. Personally now that I know natives are also susceptible to RBD, I think it actually plays an important role in Malakaus's backstory; the only reason he's a well known knight now is because he had RBD to keep coming back and fighting after getting killed. Of course this manifests in his tendency to be very violent in his methods, as we'll see once he finally arrives to face off against Mithril. Also, NPC's don't come back. Only us PC's can, even if we're playing natives to the world. So someone like Maria would come back if she died, but random soldier #14 won't. Or whoever the GM designates as an NPC character. [/quote] That's why Ease is lucky too. All his deaths have been fairly isolated and painless so it's harder for him to really be as affected as he should...Sorta. But, NPC's have come back from death. Hamaguchi just got exploded and came right back like nothing ever happened.