[quote=@ZekariVoblis] But, NPC's have come back from death. Hamaguchi just got exploded and came right back like nothing ever happened. [/quote] Well fuck if I know then. I've always heard that Re:Zero is basically Dark Souls: The Anime, so people coming back from death after killing them isn't too far fetched to me. Just slightly bothersome. After all sometimes I put a lot of effort into killing someone, and it'd cheapen the experience knowing it's only a temporary reprieve. [quote=@Delta44] I love to get mind-fucked too and roleplaying insanity, it's just the contradictions in what's written in the rules that I'm struggling with here :P E.g above where Life says NPCs can come back to life hurts my tiny brain, unless it's referring to players, but that wouldn't make any sense with the current mechanics XD The rules are as big a mystery as the role play itself! ^-^ [/quote] Consider the contradictions another part of your decent into madness. Eventually you'll get to the point where you'll just start killing people to test the nature of RBD, which is effectively the same as going insane. Probs.