[quote=@PyroDash888] Yah. Sure. But it is basically about Skyra's sister, she never knew she actually had. Well, neither of both know of each other's existence. So yeah. How's that? [/quote] It's something. Got anything more? Ya know, is her sis an antagonist, just a stranger, taken hostage by the White Fang, etc? If it's going to be a subplot, it's got to be pretty big. At the very least it'd include her team and two or three other students. [quote=@Crimmy] Can we still go find it and kill it. [/quote] Sure. But you're still in trouble for burning down a forest. [quote=@harinezumikouken] There was once a great mind whose name started with an 'L' and had to do with 'Angels' who using primitive and basic gears and system of pulleys made a completely mobile suit of plate armor. [/quote] Forgot to mention this earlier, but I'm flattered that you think I have a great mind. But really, that wasn't much more than a toy. You should see what can be done nowadays.