[hider=What a Prideful Sin You Are] [center][img] http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY0MjUyNS5VMmhoYTJsMFlTQlVZV3hzWW05eWJnLCwuMA,,/benegraphic.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img] http://cdn.paper4pc.com/images/warrior-redhead-girl-armor-fantasy-girls-wallpaper-1.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY0MjUyNS5WMkYwWTJnZ2QyaGhkQ0I1YjNVZ2MyRjVMaTR1SUVsMElHMWhlU0JpWlNCMGFHVWdiR0Z6ZENCMGFHbHVaeUI1YjNVZ2MyRjVMaTR1LjAA/benegraphic.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=Crimson]Name[/color]: Shakita Tallborn [Color=crimson]Age[/color]: Appears to be in mid-forties, however, she doesn’t know what age she really is. [color=crimson]Sin[/color]: Pride [Color=crimson]Height[/color]: 6’4” or 1.93 meters [Color=crimson]Weight[/color]: 155 LBS [Color=crimson]Hair Color[/color]: Crimson Red [Color=crimson]Eye Color[/color]: Emerald [Color=crimson]Gender[/color]: Female [Color=crimson]Written Appearance[/color]: While she may be tall, she is rather slim for her height, considering that most would be intimated by her height. With flowing red hair, she hides it under a helm to conceal her identity, but her emerald eyes tends to give her away. While they maybe unique, small flecks of gold surround the iris, as a few strands of gold can be seen in her hair whenever she is not wearing her helm. Whenever she isn’t in her armor, she usually has a wrap of bandages that wrap around her abdomen and chest, and a pair of blue cotton cut off pants. [Color=crimson]Brand Appearance[/color]: The bran can be seen on her upper back, directly between her shoulder blades. A perfect circle with thick outlining and an Eagle in the center with its wings breaking past the circle. [Color=crimson]Personality[/color]: While she may be the Sin of Pride, Shakita is rather moody with a random emotional swings. She takes pride in her swordsmanship, taking on any challenges that come her way, however. She also takes pride in her cooking skills, which she likes to cook for others in ways that she may seem like someone possessed when cooking anything. With all this, she is also very social to new people and tries to make new friends whenever she's roaming the human realm, but tends to avoid large settlements and "cities" that are superstitious of people with red hair. She is, in the end, very aggressive towards ones that bring harm to her or her friends, which she goes into a frenzy to do anything to rid of the threat. [Color=crimson]Background[/color]: TBA [Color=crimson]Current Story[/color]: While roaming the lands for a long time, Shakita couldn’t remember when she started this journey. For all she knew, she was hated whenever she was in a large village that chased her out of it, calling her a demon when they’ve seen her hair. This is usually after she had befriended a few locals and feeding them whenever she was camped outside of the village. During through her journey, she also became a hired hand, taking minimum pay. This consists mainly of food and ingredients that she can use to feed herself when on the road, but she’ll also take money when she can. Her current location is unknown, but she had found a forest that provides what she needs and taking out any intruders that invades in what she calls home now. [Color=crimson]Weapon[/color]: [list] [*][B]Great Sword[/b]: this five foot sword is carried on her back with its scabbard. On the flat side of the blade is inscribed “Thou Shan’t Be Slain, But Be Slashed And Judged If They Are Worthy To Die”. The blade itself is made from unknown alloys. However, she lost the sword shortly after she lost her memory. [/list] [Color=crimson]Ability[/color]: [list] [*][B]Enhanced Strength[/b]: With this, she tends to forget how strong she is. This also includes that she can endure a beating to the point of her bones breaking. She can withstand most, but will pass out when the opponent knocks her around like a rag doll. [/List] [/Hider] I'll just leave this here... XD but I'll remake it if I'm not chosen for said Sin.