[color=f26522][h3]Lei[/h3][/color] Suddenly, the woe shot and killed captive. The sound caught Lei by surprise, but the killing wasn't a new thing. It was another reason she hated the hunters, not one sense of backing down all for their sick fun. All the captives must have reached their senses and finally ran. She felt the scrambling and sprinting of the captives on her feet. One furthering down the road and the other for the river. One ran too near her for comfort, the anaconda bit and bit trying to pry free. The runner must've spotted her as he had cursed in her direction. Lei decided for him to be the first morph to watch for the day, and jumped tree from tree in his direction, going silently and hidden. There was no intention to meet him him, but observe how long he may live. She put back on her mouth mask and hood, covering the scales sprinkled on her face. [color=f26522]"Might as well for his first day."[/color] Lei stood not to far from his direction camouflaged in the leaves. He had hid in the area, waiting for something. Possibly another captive, maybe it was a good strategy. But the safety of this area, was not far from being strangled or bit by her little [i]friends.[/i] Though every area did have a chance to meet them.