[center][h2][i][b][color=ed1c24]Nightmare Fuels[/color][/b][/i][/h2][/center] [hider=The Judge] [color=purple][i][b]Name:[/b][/i][/color] [i]The Judge[/i] [color=purple][i][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/i][/color] Asura, Eyeballs [color=purple][i][b]Gender/Pronoun(s):[/b][/i][/color] He/Him/His, It, They [color=purple][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/color] Unknown [color=purple][i][b]Trait:[/b][/i][/color] Judgement Using his multiple eyes he judges others in just about every negative was possible. He doesn't talk much, but once he does, he won't stop until he runs out of ideas. If you attempt to bash him for doing so, he will most likely mentally destroy you for trying. Asura's appearance is strange to match his trait. [color=purple][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://fav.me/dak4ux3]Drawn Profile Picture[/url] [i]The Judge[/i] keeps watch with his multiple eyes around his body. The ones on his body are mostly black, red, and brown. His face is usually covered by his messy, blonde hair but when uncovered shows a red, blue, and the only purple eye on his body along with a stitched, fanged mouth. His towering, six foot six inch body is partially muscular with a small mix of chubbiness around the sides. His nails grow to claws that get dirtied up from scratching at his victim's minds. A pair of transparent wings seem to follow him around, not even attached to his back - just floating after him. [color=purple][i][b]Bio:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=purple][i][b]Extra Info:[/b][/i][/color] [list] [*] No, he can't eat from his stomach teeth because of the eye inside. Yes, you can ask, but it's rude. [*] His wings aren't colored because they're supposed to be transparent. The most you'll see is the faint outline of the wings. Why? He could be taken in positive ways even if he's saying/doing terrible things. What he says could be heard as advice on how to improve to his liking (which is unknown unless you get judged). [*] [i]The Judge[/i] will be the one controlling the children, showing them around, etc. Try not to go against him because he gets mad [i]easily[/i]. [/list] [/hider] [hider=The Trickster] [color=pink][i][b]Name:[/b][/i][/color] [i]The Trickster[/i] [color=pink][i][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/i][/color] Molly, Long Legs [color=pink][i][b]Gender/Pronoun(s):[/b][/i][/color] Female - She/Her, It, They [color=pink][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/color] Unknown [color=pink][i][b]Trait:[/b][/i][/color] Manipulation, Dark Humor She only has one eye to see one side of things: a perfect time to make fun of it. Her tools of torture represent different jokes that she creates, and manipulates people using her toys to play with their emotions. Her appearance is to take one of a magician's helper, except they fail in their tasks to result in insanity or even death. If you try to use her moves against her, she will use your responses against you until you give up. [color=pink][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/color] [list] [*][url=http://fav.me/daktqko]Drawn Profile Picture[/url] In a negative atmosphere she appears at her maximum height of nine feet ten inches tall, having sickly grey skin and sharper claws at the end of her four hands and arms. Her dark black hair is set down and when straightened ends up at the bottom of her nape, but usually has it wavy or curled. The single eye in the top center of her forehead seems to be pure white. Although it may seem blank, you can still tell when you're being stared at. Occasionally red liquid that seems to be blood comes out of her mouth. Nobody can tell if that's how her saliva is like or she's actually bleeding. It could also be from any victims that have felt her wrath containing her sharp vampire-like canines. [*][url=http://fav.me/dakgmse]Drawn Profile Picture[/url] When in a positive atmosphere, which is a bit more rare, [i]The Trickster[/i] will appear more around seven feet tall with disturbingly pale yellow - yes, yellow - skin and a confusing bun on the top of her head. Small strands of hair are in front of her ears and a skull bow is clipped right above one side of her bangs. Her eye color is more visible in this form, being the same shade of her grey skin in her main appearance. Her mouth seems to be shaped more of a cat's mouth with the tip of her fangs sticking out. [/list] [color=pink][i][b]Bio:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=pink][i][b]Extra Info:[/b][/i][/color] [list] [*] She [i]can[/i] shift her height around but prefers being tall to see her surroundings properly. It may seem like it makes her an easy target, but it really doesn't. [*] In both of her appearances she will have a skull bow. Nobody knows why. [*] Other than using her multiple arms for weaponry, she can climb things easily much like a spider. If Arachnephobia is lucky, they will get along easily. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Despair] [color=red][i][b]Name:[/b][/i][/color] [i]Despair[/i] [color=red][i][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/i][/color] Will, Skully, Wolfie [color=red][i][b]Gender/Pronoun(s):[/b][/i][/color] She/Her, It, They [color=red][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/color] Seems to be around 16-years-old Otherwise, unknown [color=red][i][b]Trait:[/b][/i][/color] Unhappiness She's locked up because she's in an eternal state of depression, wanting to escape from all her surroundings and be freed from life instead of forcing others to have her suffering. Her form is created from a tortured hybrid of human and canine, making her an unbalanced monster that puts others into great sadness upon seeing her. Usually she's locked up and shut down to keep her true power from being unleashed, so the victim or victims will have to suffer throughout the summon or even their life. [color=red][i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://fav.me/dalcsfu]Drawn Profile Picture[/url] [url=http://fav.me/dal0s0l]Digital Version[/url] [i]Despair[/i] is usually hunched over or fully crouched down to the ground, her abnormal light brown fur and tan underbelly usually covered up by her clothing. Her bare, uneven, stretched mix of human and canine feet usually could still be seen. Her dark brown tail and equally fluffy hair is rests against her body, both occasionally shifting around. However, her hair always stays on her right side to cover her right eye. The opposite eye is a grass green and always has a touch of bloody tears. Due to the slightly extended snout, the front part of her face is mostly bone with the skin and muscle attached at the base. Usually there's a piece of tape over her bony mouth to keep her quiet. [color=red][i][b]Bio:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=red][i][b]Extra Info:[/b][/i][/color] [list] [*] [i]Despair[/i] is most likely going to be teaching basic training to the Phobias unless having to be scheduled for another duty. [/list] [/hider] [center][color=2e3192][i][b][h2]Phobias[/h2][/b][/i][/color][/center] [@Blizz] [hider=Arachnephobia - Damon Wright] [b]Name:[/b] Damon Wright [b]Nickname(s):[/b] N/A [b]Gender/Pronoun(s): [/b] Male - He/Him [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Trait:[/b] Arachnephobia - The Fear of Spiders [b]Appearance:[/b] Damon's skin is a commonly pale shade you would see often around his area. Damon's eyes are a dark shade of Blue-green that stand out under his muddy brown hair, which falls just an inch over his ears. Damon stands at five feet and six inches tall, standing just above some people. Underneath Damon's left eye is a faded scar that runs from his eye to the side of his nose, easy to see if you focus. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=] Damon's life isn't what you'd call perfect, but certainly not a bad one either. He grew up with an open-minded grandfather who realized and understood that not everyone was the same, this influenced Damon mentally since he was about 5 years old in a morally good way. He and his grandfather, Michael, lived in a quiet town together after his parents were killed in a car accident. Michael was the closest and first person to be found in Damon's family, and he was more than happy to raise his grandson, so the responsibility fell to him. Damon grew up for the next decade with a passion for reading, drawing and the occasional outdoor visit. One day, Michael received a letter addressed to his grandson, stating he was to be sent to an island called "Efiapag", as strange as it seemed, Damon and Michael both managed to make sense of it, soon after the two had headed for the coastline. Michael said goodbye to the grandson he seemed proud of as Damon left for god knows where. [/hider] [b]Extra Info:[/b] You show him respect and Damon will regard you with just as much respect. He does not judge a person on who they are but rather what they do. [/hider] [@PokimKyOshi] [hider=Cheimatophobia - Ruth Jestone] [b]Name:[/b] Ruth Jestone [b]Nickname(s):[/b] N/A [b]Gender/Pronoun(s):[/b] Female; She/Her [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Trait:[/b] Cheimatphobia – Fear of the cold [b]Appearance:[/b] Ruth has a lightly tanned skin tone that matched with the auburn shade of her hair color, reaching to a short extent of an ear length. Her eyes owned dark hazel orbs and she stands at a height of 5’2. Ruth is particularly that somebody who never stops moving around, so her body has a particular tall build-up, not too thin nor to chubby. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=] The Jestones were relatively a poor family that came from quite a low background. Ruth lived with both of her mother and father and served as an only child. They were indeed complete, but the love and relationship within the circle was not at all healthy, moreover present. Ruth’s parents would constantly argue over small aspects, leading to an over-heated fiasco of Ruth’s mother giving in to infidelity for a man who was deemed to be more, in the sense, profitable, and her father falling into an abyss of deep depression and dysphoria. Alive, but dead at the same time – empty cigarette boxes and small plastic jars that once used to be filled with pills all emptied out, stacked and scattered. With the pleasures of her present life devouring her alive, her mother couldn’t care less of them any longer and was more than prepared to move away, but still provided solely for Ruth’s needs with merely pocket money to even afford a proper education. As a result, Ruth grew up almost dumb to the idea of ‘family’ and was perceived as a ghost who’d wandered under a roof that was supposed to serve as her ‘home’, but became nothing more than a deafening cell block to her. But nevertheless, she refused to believe that her birth was a mistake. All their struggles left so much room in Ruth’s head for all of those suddenly-occurring late night and deep shower thoughts, resulting Ruth to grow up quite open-minded. She believed that if she was still breathing, then there should always be a cause or a reason behind all of it - why despite everything, the idea of death has strangely never taken it’s toll on her. And answers may start to unravel when her father came stumbling home one late evening, still in his garbage-picking uniform, heavily drunk, with a letter in hand and once met with Ruth’s gaze, roughly shoved the unopened envelope to her and proceeded his way to his room. [/hider] [b]Extra Info:[/b] Ruth is not the type of person who’d fancy siting still in one place, moreover staying inside her own home. Especially when the sun begins to set and her surroundings hushed into silence, she’d find that tiny spark of relief in strolling around empty spaces and resting on any surface that seem good enough to occupy until it gets darker and when sleepiness embraces her. [/hider] [@Hazard Bits] [hider=Botanophobia - Kane Ellison] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Kane E. Ellison[/indent] [b]Nickname(s):[/b] [indent]Elli, Elliot[/indent] [b]Gender/Pronoun(s):[/b] [indent] Male - He/Him/His[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Trait:[/b] [indent]Botanophobia - Fear of Plants[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Standing at six foot six with a lean build, Kane is only slightly intimidating for someone of his age. He has broad shoulders but keeps them hunched and rarely actually stands at his full height. His inky black hair falls in uneven and unruly ways to just under his chin, though usually it is found sticking up at odd angles do to lack of maintenance- a 'chronic bedhead' if questioned. His eyes are a nice shade of pale green, almost looking like jade, but unfortunately unless someone is looking really close and intently they appear grey. His skin, aside from being tanned rather darkly, appears to be nearly flawless save for the soft splattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. More freckles can be found on his shoulders, arms, ribs, and legs. [/indent] [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=] [indent]As the youngest child of a family of ten, Kane was mostly raised by his older siblings. His parents were so busy they rarely had any time to spend with him, let alone any of their other children. So growing up was, well, chaotic for him. He was most often cared for by his eldest sister who was very clinical in her treatment towards him, to the point, without emotion, and efficiently. She didn't bother to stick around after she made dinner, leaving him to fend for himself for the remainder of the night. Thankfully he was a good kid and followed the example of three of his siblings that still lived at home and somehow managed to set his own bedtime. But as he grew older and began to care for himself more, his sister stopped coming around as much. And after his other three siblings left the family house, Kane was ultimately left alone save for the times he went to school and the rare times he would bump into his parents when they arrived home from a business trip or even the rare family dinners for a celebration or something else of the such. But Kane didn't seem to mind it, really. He just continued on with what he was doing and ultimately enjoying the freedom he had since no one ever kept tabs on him. He definitely wasn't a 'wild child' or anything, but he had a fairly vibrant life outside of his home. Constantly going on hikes with friends, sports- it wasn't uncommon for him to spend an entire week or two at a friends house, either. Though his peaceful life of relative solitude was broken when his elder sister arrived one day with a letter in her hands. She smiled at him so sweetly and spoke so kindly, he was honestly concerned something terrible had happened until she explained that the letter was basically offering him a good, free education. A free ride that he needed to take, because 'our family just doesn't have the kind of money to send you to a good school or ever pay for college'. He was a bit adamant on the whole thing until even his parents brought it up that he should leave, just a mere day after his sister had. Unable to really deny them after they gave him the most disappointed looks he had ever seen on their faces, he was soon shipped off without another glance nor care from friends nor family.[/indent][/hider] [b]Extra Info:[/b] [indent]Despite his outdoorsy lifestyle, Kane suffers from horrendous allergies- mainly from flowers that have immense amounts of pollen production. Though, Sunflowers and Chrysanthemums seem to be the worst.[/indent] [/hider]