DC movie fans are bad losers, their films suck so they act like babies. Marvel movie fans are bad winners, their films are great so they act like arrogant dicks. The comic fans are a lot more chill on both sides. EDIT: As much as I dislike the obvious shitty fandoms (MLP, Steven Universe, Homestuck, Sonic, Overwatch, Kingdom Hearts) at least the fans stick with the product. 'Flash in the pan' fandoms are the absolute worst, when peeps essentially rush into a fandom only to abandon it after a few months. I think one of the worst offenders of this is Attack On Titan. Remember when it was a thing? Fans were a couple days and a few episodes in and already shoving and swinging it everywhere and now where are they? Probably jumped ship to SAO or something. I know a few deathnote wagon jumpers who are very similar and its irritating. A good non anime example is Orange is the new black, first everyone couldnt shut up about it, now no one gives a shit.