Rosaline’s eyes widened a little as water began to stream down from the painting above them, pooling around the woman. She pulled herself up slowly, the cold water seeping into her clothes and shoes from where she was seated on the floor. “Great…” she huffed. The woman pressed a hand against the wall for a moment, trying to get her balance back as her legs finally finished patching themselves up. Her gaze shifted over the room, stopping back at the door they came through. “We need to leave before the water gets too high.” She said. She knew that if they had to leave through the door they’d have to do it soon, or the door would be difficult to open with the water pressing on it. Walter looked at the water with mild fear in his eyes. It was pouring in at a much faster pace than he’d like, it would be better if it wasn’t streaming at all but he couldn’t stop it. His heart thudded in his chest, panic setting in and making him start to hyperventilate. “Calm down Walter, calm down…” he muttered, keeping his voice down as much as possible. He couldn’t let himself get too worked up, not in a situation involving water. “I only see the one door, but there might still be-“ Alexandria made a motion like spider legs.