[@Fabricant451] EA is a better evrerything than Ubisoft. Everything is a better everything than ubisoft. I honestly cant name one superb or even 'very good' EA game. Even if you are one of those cringe Battlefield Bad Company 2 virgins who hails it as the pinnacle of the series its hard to give that game anything more than a 8/10. Modern battlefield games from 3 onwards are fine, decent multiplayer FPS 'get what you pay for' timesink. Need for speed games are dick, I'd compare them to sonic games, but sonic games started out not being absolute shit before they became absolute shit. I cant even think of any other non-sports EA games. Oh well there is those god awful dragon age games, but the less said about them the better.... Namco Bandai knock out a lot of respectable RPGs which are by no means excellent, but not offensive and obviously Tekken and what not. I'd call them a good publisher and a good dev.