[Center][h2]Meeting The Machine Man: Part II[/h2][/Center] [Center]Collab with [@Heat][/Center] "WHAT?!" Mackenzie nearly choked. "Michael, show her proof of your true nature." The doctor said as Michael internally figured out a way to display this to the woman. He pressed his hand against his left arm, then flipped it upwards as the skin moved to reveal his inner workings. His chrome metallic skeleton wires underneath it. Michael looked at Mackenzie as Phillips did as well. Mackenzie instantly bolted up out of her chair, her hand covering her mouth. She looked down at Dr. Phillip and then back up to Michael. She took two steps forward to stand before Michael. She quickly inspected the Android's arm. She then narrowed her eyes, thinking for a just a moment that this was just a joke. Perhaps Michael was just like the woman down in the cell blocks. Only, something seemed genuine about the situation. "Why are you telling me this? I'm sure you realize how much trouble you'd be in if he was discovered?" Mackenzie wanted to touch the android, but refrained. Dr. Phillips smirked at how Mackenzie reacted to the revelation; she was the first person outside of the administration that he had told. He believed she would be one of the last as well, she was correct in her remark if Michael's true nature becomes widely known. The android stared at the woman as she neared him; he blinked at the expressions on her face. "Because I know you won't tell anyone else, Mackenzie. You're intrigued by the existence of him, I think you want to learn more, see more. All the right people know of Michael, the team that created him had to clear through several channels," Phillips said, as he noticed that she didn't yet touch the machine man. "You can touch him if you'd like, he won't hurt a fly. Programmed him as much, violence isn't something he enjoys or will partake in against humans." Mackenzie couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing. She wasn't so prideful that she thought she would have been the one to create the first android, but she had hoped. She knew she had been close, but apparently not close enough. Violence wasn't she was really worried about. She knew that humanity would never consciously create a violent machine. She was just worried that if she reached out and touched it, it would disappear. She was still paranoid that this was just a joke. Gently she reached out and took Michael's arm in her hands. She could feel the artificial muscle under its artificial skin. Gently but firmly she pushed her thumb into it to feel the actual machinery underneath. She then let go, pushing her glasses back up on her nose before she looked back up at Michael. Their eyes meet. She would have never guessed that he wasn’t flesh and blood from mere sight. However, there was definitely something in Michael's eyes that would fool even the most expert in robotics. They weren’t dead like the machines outside her office. There was even something in the way he spoke. True he seemed simple in thought but no more than a child would. Though she supposed in light of things, he was indeed a child. “Will I be allowed to run a more thorough diagnostic?" She asked turning back to Dr. Phillips. Michael blushed brightly as Mackenzie placed her hand on his arm, then felt along it. It was a new experience to the android; the only other time he had been touched by a human was in Eden earlier. This was something different. He looked into her eyes as she made contact with his, a light smile on his face. She seemed thoroughly intrigued by his existence, which amused the machine in some way. It also amused Dr. Phillips. "If you wish, do remember that his existence is a secret to all but a few. Any tests or diagnostics must be run in utter privacy," The man replied with a nod. "He's brilliant, isn't he? Not one centimeter of him is organic, every single part was created. His skin is completely similar in composition to our own, his hair, eyes, every part of him just screams human." ”That’s an understatement!" She said in excited." I understand the need for secrecy. Though It might look, um, weird if Michael is seen entering my office on a regular basis. We'll need an excuse for him to be down here, or for me to go to your office. Something that looks official. Admiral Locke knows about this, right?" There was a hint of giddiness in her tone that she couldn’t hide. "Yes, he knows. Was one of the first that was informed and had to clear it. We could rotate between where the diagnostic checks take place, in your office, at the science labs, there's plenty of room there to do it." Dr. Phillips said, delighted that such an esteemed individual was so impressed with his creation. It was one of the few times he'd be able to show off the android. Michael wondered what she wished to check with him, he could tell her excitement over his existence. It was amusing. "Agreed, I’ll send you my schedule and we can find what works best for Michael." Mackenzie reached out her hand to shake Dr. Phillips’. “You have no idea how honored I am to know. I look forward to looking over your data. Brilliant!" Mackenzie couldn’t help but look back at Michael. “It was good to meet you, Michael. I hope we will get to know each other." "Great to hear! I would love to hear your input on the data, anything you think could possibly be improved." Dr. Phillips said as he grasped her hand gently and then shook it firmly. "It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Mackenzie," Michael said with another smile as he closed up his arm. He was back to his normal, fully human looking, which was indistinguishable from others in an outward appearance. Dr. Phillips rose out of his seat and then walked towards the door. "We'll talk later, Mackenzie. Have a nice day." The man stated and Michael nodded before they both left her office. Mackenzie returned to her seat, though she knew that there would be no getting back to looking at Droid designs for today.