"Actually, miss Anuriel, I think I'll come with you. Since this one is hungry. Might as well feed them all." He told the chef. Scooping up the little dragons in his hands, with the book under one arm, and trying not to disturb the sleeping one too much, he stood to accompany Anuriel back to the kitchen. [hr] Ariadel snorted. "So you let ole' Stoneface scare ya, huh? Okay granted he's intimidating, but he's hardly [i]scary[/i]. Unless he's mad! Then he is. But I guess he scares a lot of people. It's kind of his reputation. Legacy. Whatever you wanna call it. All you need is a hot cup of tea, boy. Relax." She turned to Azurael. "So how are you holding up? The medicine I gave you work all right? Well it must have, you don't look sick to me."