[@Raddum]At basic level, bush warding is basically second nature for all Sup in League unless you want your ADC to be instantly deleted by the incoming Jungler, or Top and Mid post LV 6. You're also expected to peel and ward for the Mid once Bot lane is set lest the Jungler decides that your mage/assassin Mid would make for a tasty FREEXP. If you're a tank Sup, which was my main Sup style when I still played League (I mained Braum and Leona), you're expected to peel and set up for your ADC with CC or you'll be reported, especially if your ADC decides that he/she wants to play like Underlord or Sven (AKA face first to certain skill shot). Map is pretty much set in LoL, but you can gank from just about anywhere on the map and we have skill shots that can go from one end of the map to another (ex. Jinx's ult). We can't deny minions or suicide on our own though, but we can suicide with tower and jungle camps if the last hit duration from enemy champion is long gone. Also, Baron Nashor > Roshan, fite me m8.