[@Vocalia] U focking said wot about Roshan you shitlord Aside from the destruction of trees making the map much more visible, everything else is set in stone. The trees grow back, too. So it's not like you can cut down the entire map and leave it that way. A lot of abilities in DOTA are pretty short in range overall, but a few long=range options are there. One of which is Sniper, who I play when someone else plays support. An AoE that basically breaks the enemies legs they move so slow? I'm down. It damages? Cool. My normal attack range is beyond the view of my screen? Also cool. In all seriousness, I hate trying to go for Roshan, personally. But when the team goes, I follow. Then when the enemy decides to jump in, I Witch Doctor Ult and make them either retreat or be sent to near death before they can even reach the rest of the team. Pop up the AOE healing and let my team finish the job, before clocking out Roshan and reaping the benefits.