[color=c0c0c0]"Such a lack of exotic ingredients would've never occurred at my house. Shame, you can't say I didn't [i]try[/i] to stick to the theme."[/color] Nemo commented as he stepped away from the fridge and walked over-strangely enough-to the alcohol cabinet. [color=c0c0c0]"No matter, I shan't crumble from a minor setback. It's at times like this where I get to flex the creativity muscles located within my brainium."[/color] Nemo rambled as he peered inside. After a few moments of looking Nemo seemed to have settled on something. He grabbed two bottles and then closed the cabinet. Nemo began to amass more various ingredients now. He poured cream into a bowl and spiced it with a small amount from one of the bottles he grabbed. [color=c0c0c0]"I spent quite a bit of time in Italy, despite the presence of the church. Whenever I stopped by I always ate as much as I could. And of my favorite treats, the gelato made there definitely makes the list, one of my favorite flavors was cherry amaretto."[/color] Nemo explained as he whisked the cream by hand with a small amount of sugar added, clearly making homemade whipped cream. Once finished Nemo set the bowl aside for later. He went on to delicately slice strawberries and place them in a bowl with fresh raspberries for later as well. Nemo initialized the final step of his recipe when he began to make a batter with flour, eggs, milk, sugar, melted butter, and a pinch of salt. Once done, he added his finishing touch by pouring in a small amount of liquid from the other bottle he had taken earlier. After setting it down the bottle could be identified as amaretto liqueur, which would add a hint of sweet almond flavor to the batter. Nemo heated up the stove and grabbed a frying pan and poured a small amount of the batter into the pan. He rolled the pan around to coat it even and thinly with the mixture. To somebody accustomed with desserts, he was clearly making a crepe. After putting a slight brown to the bottom side, Nemo flipped it with the pan to the other side and repeated the process. Once done cooking Nemo slid the crepe onto a plate. He placed the cut strawberries and raspberries inside neatly. He put the whipped cream into a pastry bag he scavenged to find and slowly squeezed it out through the metal tip and onto the crepe, giving the cream a pretty pattern which Nemo seemed quite adept at making. Nemo folded the crepe up into a neat cone with the filling inside and garnished it with powdered sugar on top. Finally done, Nemo picked up the plate and set it by Raiya. He put on a goofy sounding french accent before speaking. [color=c0c0c0]"Voila, it is a amaretto infused crepe with strawberries, raspberries, and cherry maraschino flavored whipped cream." [/color]Nemo explained, revealing what the first bottle of alcohol he used was.