[center][h2]A Time Of Turmoil[/h2][/center] [center][i]"The continent of Arcadia. A land diverse in race but equally tempered in hardship from disaster and tragedy, whether they be natural or unnatural. However, the greatest hardship the Arcadians faced was when the natural decided to do something unnatural. Gaia, the goddess the Arcadians revered as the deity of nature, convinced the mages of the Moon Kingdom to summon her so she could bring boon, bounty and abundance to Arcadia. Unfortunately for the continent, Gaia did none of those. Instead, she immediately leveled her host kingdom and slaughtered most of its citizens with her power and her elemental constructs. The goddess then unleashed numerous nature spirits who then possessed the bodies and skeletons of the dead, making them mindless thralls of Gaia. The goddess then marched eastward with her undead throng, destroying everything in their path. Neither man, nor woman, nor child, nor animal, nor plant were spared from Gaia's fury. It was then when three powers, The Concilium, The Grand Kingdom of Gleivnir and Razelia, formed a mighty alliance to stand against the tide. It was called the League of Arcadia and they waged a long and bloody war against the deity of nature. No heroes or heroines were recorded for there were many who scored significant victories and died heroic deaths. All that was recorded was that the races of Arcadia were firmly united during this hardship. In time, the League managed to push Gaia's forces back to her lair, the remains of the Moon Kingdom, and banish her from the the mortal plane. Many lives were lost and many tears were shed during the war but the Arcadians learned a valuable lesson: That together, they are powerful enough to take on gods. A prosperous peace followed. As the time went by, however, incident upon incident started chipping away at the harmony. Now, the Dwarven Kingdoms, a minor ally during the War of Gaia, are being beset by the growing numbers of bandits and brigands from Razelia, now known as Varjo after a successful rebellion. And the Dwarves are not the type to easily forgive."[/i][/center] MAP [hider=Work In Progress] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6d6uD9Y.png[/img] [i]Let's see how long this lasts...[/i] Dark red is the Concilium Dark gray is Varjo Gold is Gleivnir Light blue are the Dwarves Dark blue is the Moon Kingdom The other colors are terrain (water, mountains, etc.) [/hider] THE LEAGUE OF ARCADIA [hider=The Concilium] [i]"Ahhh... The Concilium. A great confederation between small kingdoms to strengthen themselves. Archanea, Barensia, Magi Val, Jugdrali, Tellius, Ereb. These kingdoms were once small, prone to raids and invasion from bigger nations. No longer when their kings and queens came together in the sacred Mount Tiki. No longer will their soldiers be crushed easily. No longer will their people fear for their lives every day. No longer will they be dismissed as insignificant tiny countries. No, they are powerful now and they will gladly challenge any who would think so otherwise. But alliances rarely last forever. Differences and ever-increasing feuds between commoner and royalty have began chipping at the Concilium's foundations. Will these cracks be fixed? Or will it grow and end this great and vital fellowship?"[/i] Other Info - Part of the League Of Arcadia, an alliance formed against the goddess Gaia and her elementals and undead. While that war occurred ages ago, the League decided to stay together long after. - Ruled by the Council of Royals, a gathering of Kings/Queens of The Concilium kingdoms to discuss which laws to enact and what The Concilium should do regarding matters of national importance. - Players start in this faction. - I'll leave the royalty and culture of the kingdoms to the players so they have leeway over their characters and do some worldbuilding. If not or if they're done, I'll fill it myself. [/hider] [hider=Grand Kingdom of Gleivnir] [i]"The Gleivnir Kingdom. It was once just a modest kingdom but with a formidable military power and a formidable hierarchy. Nobles rode on steeds and glorified and showered with gifts while the those less fortunate in birth and boon, were left to pick up the leftovers after their Lords and Dukes and Counts. It had been this way since time immemorial until King Wilmgard ascended the throne a few years ago with a haul of changes with him. The nobles heavily objected to these changes in tactics and culture and these grievances was met with a dare from the King himself. If they could conquer an infamous bandit fort with their tactics then he shall let things be and even give compensation for his error for all the nobles of Gleivnir. And so the nobles rode for Wayland Keep, intent on proving their King wrong and quite confident since they outnumbered the vagabonds there five-to-one. Much to their surprise but not to King Wilmgard and those with more sensible heads, the nobles' huge armies were effectively and decisively repulsed. The King's opposition was no more. That little move pulled by Wilmgard is controversial to this day but no one could deny the improving conditions of Gleivnir, progression of technology and its slow but steady expansion into previously remote lands."[/i] Other Info - Part of the League Of Arcadia, an alliance formed against the goddess Gaia and her elementals and undead. While that war occurred ages ago, the League decided to stay together long after. - Currently ruled by King Wilmgard along with his second wife Queen Algiery who may have more than human blood running in her veins. [/hider] [hider=Varjo] [i]"Varjo, the fallen kingdom. Generations ago, Varjo was known as Razelia, a kingdom of knowledge and magic and magical knowledge. Many mages and sorcerers consider visiting Razelia an obligation. A pilgrimage of sorts. And with good reason, the magic kingdom has many academies and libraries that can teach an old sage a thing or two. The greatest of which is The Library of Arcadia, a library as big as a palace that is supported by a village. All of these are run by the Chercheurs who, strangely, value technology more than magic. However, everything changed when House Caldeyron led a sudden and quick rebellion against the royal family and successfully overthrew them. The new ruler then changed Razelia and everything it stood for. First, the kingdom was renamed to Varjo. Secondly, the libraries and academies of knowledge and magic were torn down and replaced with blacksmiths and barracks. Thirdly, he concentrated the kingdom's wealth to the capital and left the outlying villages, towns and cities impoverished. When the people began complaining, the new king's newly-outfitted armies quickly put them down with extreme prejudice. Not even the Chercheurs could stand against the Caldeyrons' wrath and were forced to flee from Arcadia itself. The reign of the Caldeyrons soon changed the nation's culture from the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom to the pursuit of bloodshed and slaughter. Roving bandits and brigands filled the Razelian countryside, forcing the many towns and villages to form their own militias who could defend against banditry and also do some banditry themselves to support the hometown. All of Arcadia mourned for Razelia's passing and Varjo's membership in the League is now being questioned by many. Still, also a great many point out that Varjo's ferocious warriors have been a great help dealing with any stray undead and feral monsters."[/i] Other Info - Part of the League Of Arcadia, an alliance formed against the goddess Gaia and her elementals and undead. While that war occurred ages ago, the League decided to stay together long after. - Currently ruled by Joshua Caldeyron and his sister Queen, Leyanne Caldeyron (not married though). [/hider] THE OTHERS [hider=Dwarves] Short but stout, the Dwarves occupy the mountainous north western regions of Arcadia and even have some holds in the Arcadia's Edges, the great mountain ranges in the continent's far west. The Dwarves, unlike the League of Arcadia, puts little trust in the unpredictable casting magic and instead uses the reliable stored magic in runes. However, runes can only do so much and thus the Dwarves turned to technology to meet their other needs and wants. Because of this, the Dwarves have complex machinery of gears and bolts and have weapons that spit fire and lead or just plain spew fire. Other Info: - Non-playable race - Inspired by Warhammer and LOTR Dwarves - WIP [/hider] [hider=The Moon Kingdom] The Moon Kingdom is located south of the Dwarven regions separated by a huge but passable mountain range called the Great Divide. The kingdom is known for its fondness for the Moon and also as the source of the tragedy of summoning Gaia into Arcadia. When the war ended, the Moon Kingdom was left to rebuild itself. But rebuild they did and it has mostly returned to its former glory, even if it is no longer a magical kingdom that rivaled Razelia. Something that was okay for the Moon people. After all, it was magic that brought forth Gaia. While the new royalty and official law has no qualm with magic, it was now the culture of the Moon Kingdom to refrain from magic. Thus, only a select few are mages in the Kingdom of the Moon, most of whom are in the esteemed Lot Order. Now, the kingdom focused more on technology like the Dwarves, creating some sort of fellowship between them. Helping on that end is one Lot Knight who is the pillar of breakthrough upon breakthrough. The Moon Kingdom has then progressed into a society radically different from Arcadia in practically most aspects. Other Info: - Players cannot come from here. - Has Napoleonic Era military mixed with Medieval. - Ruled by Queen Bethany Vinderion, a frail royal but firm and courageous. - WIP [/hider] ~On to the technical stuff!~ [hider=Rules] 1) Standard Roleplayer Guild rules. No godmodding and stuff. 2) As GM, I reserve the right to have my word to be law within the boundaries of this RP. 3) If there are problems with the RP or with other players, you can take it to me (so I can take it to someone who could deal with it lol!). 4) Do not post your character in the Characters Tab. Only I have dominion there. 5) If you do not post within one week without any excuse given, I will temporarily assume control of your character to move things along. If you do not post within two or three weeks still without any excuse given, I will be forced to drop you from this RP. 6) If you have read the rules, you will NOT fill out the Personality section of the character sheet. [u]Some things to remember[/u] a) This is a narrative-based RP so things like weapons triangles and stats don't really matter here. Still, magic can still pierce armor and so does Armorslayers and stuff. Classes also matter weapon-wise and narrative-wise. b) Your character is VERY unlikely to die in this RP. In battle, they'll just be incapacitated should the circumstances demand it. HOWEVER, if your characters put themselves or do something that assures their death, they WILL die. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: (Picture or prose, it matters not. Please refrain from using real life people.) Name: Sex: Class: (All classes are available for playing. Higher class = Higher responsibility.) Special Abilities: (Two slots. Cannot pick the same ability twice.) [hider=Special Ability List] = Iron Skin (Passive) - Negates the ability of weapons that pierce armor (Armorslayer, Hammer, guns, etc.). = Iron Hide (Passive) - Negates the ability of weapons that are effective against beasts (Beast Killer, halberds, etc.). = Iron Scale (Passive) - Negates the ability of weapons that are effective against dragons/wyverns (Wyrmslayer, etc.). = Iron Wings (Passive) - Negates the effectiveness of bows against flying units except Manaketes. = Ironbreaker (Passive) - All weapons can pierce armor. = Beastbane (Passive) - All weapons are effective against beasts. = Wyrmsbane (Passive) - All weapons are effective against dragons/wyverns. = Slayer (Passive) - All weapons are effective against monsters. = Blessed (Passive) - All weapons are effective against undead. = Aggro (Active) - Attract the attention of enemies in the near vicinity. Once per battle. = Pick (Active) - Unlock a lock at will. = Summon (Active) - Call for an ally from the unknown. Exclusive to Tome users. Once per battle. = Siege Expert (Passive) - Allow operation of siege equipment like ballistas and catapults. = Extra Pockets (Passive) - Increase Equipment slot by one. = Clear Mind (Passive) - Increase Special Abilities slot by one but reduce Equipment slot by one. Does not occupy a slot. [/hider] Equipment: (Three slots. You can pick the same more than once.) [You can swap out your starting equipment in the RP proper] [hider=Equipment List] = Standard Weapons (Iron Sword, Armorslayer, Steel Bow, Beast Killer, etc.) = Staves (Exclusive to stave users) > Heal - Restore a nearby player from incapacitation. > Mend - Revive a nearby fallen NPC. Cast immediately after death. Body must be mostly intact. Once per battle. > Physic - Restore a player in any distance from incapacitation. Once per battle. > Deathbreaker - Revive a fallen NPC in any distance. Two uses. > Warp - Teleport a faraway person to the near vicinity. Five per battle. = Elixir - Revive a fallen NPC. Apply immediately after death. Body must be mostly intact. Three uses. = Vulnerary - Prevent being incapacitated. Three uses. = Master Key - Unlock a lock. One use. = Summoning Spellbook - Call for an ally from the unknown. Three uses. = Panacea - Cure an ailment. Usually poison. Five uses. = Reeking Box - A small and portable box that attracts monsters to the area upon removing the lid. Three uses. = Light Rune - Temporarily produces a barrier that blocks any projectile. One use. = Pouch of Gold - Why fight when you can bribe? Has other uses as well. Seven uses. [/hider] History: Personality: [/hider]