[center]Clara's focus remained on the bodies around her as she slid through the masses, her gaze set only on what men could possibly interest her for the evening – however, her thoughts were interrupted through the beat of the loud music by the voice of another. She had heard him before she had seen him, part of her immediately annoyed that someone had decided to interrupt her little game despite the fact that no one else was aware that she'd been playing. Instinct was ready to tell him to piss off before she'd seen him, but when she had tilted her head to look to her right at the man who had approached her, her irritation had been silenced at once. Well then… Perhaps this night had taken an interesting turn for the better – it seemed she would not have to set her own bait for any unsuspecting male, rather, she may just bite at the bit that was placed before her. She eyed him carefully and without reservation, almost studying if he was good enough to keep her attentions – for however long that may be. Clara doubted Jaden would come find her – he was probably lost in whatever conversation or indulgence he could have found himself in and she was willing to bet she would be far from his mind at that point – leaving her to fend for herself, eager and yearning for another's attention. Something about the man before her seemed terribly familiar and yet she chose to ignore it; too little time to humor such a notion that she could hardly care a bit about – he seemed like the type of man who knew exactly what he wanted, and perhaps knew exactly how to obtain it, and Clara was not one to pass up that sort of opportunity. She was far too used to luring others in – what a refreshing sort of change this would be. "The dance floor is not the place for a discussion like that, and I hardly believe that you might be interested…" Clara began slowly, but despite her words she still had reached her hand out to take his, immediately pulling herself closer to him. "I've come here to [i]forget[/i], not dwell on silly little things. However, a dance -- I can entertain" She corrected him, her words falling carefully from her lips. There would be no thoughts of Jaden and how he had irritated her so, nor would there be any more thoughts on [i]why[/i] that could have bothered her terribly. She'd found her way to that dance floor on a mission and would not leave until she had very well gotten what she'd wanted. His words had caused her nose to wrinkle in the slightest as, only for a moment, she had followed his gaze to the more darkened corners of the club. "What did you expect?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "I'm sure all have the potential – and I doubt most have come here for only good conversation and liquor…" She paused as she eyed him for a moment longer. "And what of you? What are you hoping to find in a place like this?" [/center]