[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jocelyn%20Pavonia%20&name=Cursive%20Nice%20N%20New.ttf&size=100&style_color=00A6FF[/img][/center] She remembered the first time she had fallen in love. Her lover's embrace was as gentle and lulling as a babe's lullaby; she could never get enough of the soft hymns being sung close to her ear, and how the warm feelings flooded her stomach when she saw her beloved's first smile of the day. It was so bright that not even the strongest storm could make her emotions disappear from her memory. Jocelyn could never imagine a single hour without her sky. It was there since her birth and was watching from above as she grew into a full woman. And when she finally got the opportunity to join the Valkyrie, she felt overjoyed. It had always been her dream to fly on the back of an eyrie-- she imagined soaring close to the soft, fluffy clouds on a beautiful blue day, and raising her hand so that her fingertips could touch the sun. It was more difficult than she thought, being part of the Valkyrie. There was always something to do; scouting, hunting, spying, charting some distant, unknown, and possibly nonexistent land... the work never finished. But Jocelyn loved it. There was never a day where she would drift off to sleep in her own boredom, or idle around Loralis while waiting for work. And, if the time came where she would finish her duties ahead of time, she would [i]fly[/i]. Jocelyn grinned, her fingers curling into the cotton-like, downy feathers of her mount. The dappled, black eyrie soared the skies with her atop his back. His wings did not beat as often, as Sirus had found a wonderful tailwind to glide upon. But her eyes did not rest on the overcast skies just above her, as they always did. No, they looked below, at the stretch of wasteland underneath them. From above, Ecros appeared nothing more than an ocean of dry sands mixed with patches of dead grass. Sadness hung heavy in her chest as she remembered the days where Ecros blossomed with travelers and the grassy expanse of land was as gorgeous as ever. But after the Astrax-Estialian conflict, it all changed, and it was destroyed... along with legions and legions of Xororian men and women. But she was there not to gaze upon the charred corpse of a once beautiful country, but to find the shady and slimy desert town that was known as the Far West's capital. The general of the Estialian Valkyrie had told her that there were rumors of revolts being whispered in the dusky taverns of Ecros; it was to be thought that people were disgruntled with their King Cassius, and wanted to rid of him. Jocelyn didn't know why she was sent alone. Usually, there would be a group of two or three members of the Valkyrie, and they would all protect each other on a mission. Jocelyn and Sirus made a landing close to the town's borders. It didn't take long for her to dismount and gather her belongings before making her way towards the rickety cluster of civilization. Her eyrie knew not to follow that closely; instead, Sirus once again took to the skies and flew low. She could feel her trusted mount's eyes bore into her, making her relax a significant amount as she entered the city. She did have someone to protect her, after all. Dust and dirt darkened her plated boots as she rested a hand on Dawnchaser. The blade was extremely useful while she was on Sirus' back, but now that she was on the ground, it was difficult to protect herself with it. Fortunately, Jocelyn considered herself adept at swordsmanship, and she believed that she would be able to defend herself rather well if she had to. The sight of the town's infrastructures made chills crawl up her spine. Most of the buildings were created with sturdy wood, and many of them towered over her head like some sort of beast. [color=00aeef][i]Well, I'm here,[/i][/color] Jocelyn thought. [color=00aeef][i]Now, where do I even start?[/i][/color]