[@CrazyShadowy] It's up to you whether you get involved or not when a conversation is going on, but since the whole point of this thread is to have discussions with friends and waste needless complications using the PM system when a topic of discussion isn't a private one, it's inevitable we'd go into a long talk here (particularly since me and Neko back and forth a lot), so I wouldn't call it random really. [@tsukune] This is certainly where awesomeness will be attracted to. I made it, after all. As for the title, yeah, I've been really thinking it'd be funnier to just leave it as it is. I had a few ideas for a more epic sounding title (possibly something connected to my project), but this currently one is sort of ironic. [quote=tsukune] Anyway, I can relate to you regarding lack of or low in motivation when it comes to writing. I get writer's block often, largely due to my inability to really sit down and concentrate for too long. My mind always hop from one idea to another, so in the end I'd end up with so many ideas but all hanging in the middle of nowhere with no idea how I'm going to finish or complete the story, lol. One way for me to curb this problem is through gathering prompts from observing the things and people around me. This method works for me because I'm more of a spontaneous type of person rather than planning everything down beforehand and stick to the plan down to the last letter. Don't control motivation, because you just can't - let your mind drift and inspirations might just come naturally to your doorstep. :) [/quote] There you go saying things that sound like me again, particularly the first half of it. All the notes I've been collecting over the years have sort of been my attempt to get all my thoughts today since, as I've mentioned in our PM, I more or less am the "genius who has a million thoughts a second but can't organize them due to his body being unable to keep up with his mind" type of person; I really can't switch off, and my mind tends to have so many thoughts and ideas coming from so many different places it's insane. I'm definitely exactly like what you just described, though I've already been hesitant to call what I have writer's block since my understanding of writer's block is that the person can't find the motivation to work or find any inspiration; I don't have either of those problems. While I'm not very methodical, I definitely have something of a grand plan in mind most of the time, similar to playing chess, but how I reach that goal is often something that requires a lot more working on my toes; speed chess, per se. Due to all the inspirations I get so quickly being interfered with by constant problems with technology or other distractions, I find I usually need to adapt to the things around me while trying to use them to build on the ideas I have. Letting your mind drift and find inspiration on its own is certainly helpful when people are looking for ideas, but when the time comes down to sort notes or to actually buckle down and right it can really be a problem as well sometimes. [quote=tsukune] This is another method I'd use to motivate me to write stuff; however, for music I am very particular (I have a very strict taste with music due to my background playing in a military/symphonic band in the past), that I only listen to non-vocal tracks. Vocals are quite distracting and sometimes they tend to annoy rather than motivate me. [/quote] Interesting. I'm a fan of instrumental music myself, and I love symphonic music, so I definitely relate to the appeal towards it you have. I'm a bit mixed on lyrics, personally, since my music tastes are also rather picky. I don't have a problem listening to certain types of lyrics, but I'm sort of weird in that sense because for some reason my mind often has the ability to zone the specific words being sung out of my mind; the best way to think of this is that when I listen to a song I very frequently don't make the lyrics out, so it doesn't matter if they're in English or some other language. I've mentioned to a few people on the site the type of music I levitate to, but I might bring it up here at some point if anyone ends up wanting to know. Of course, it'll eventually be in my bio too. [@NekoMizu] I'm pretty much certain role-playing with my setting will assist on my end, simply because it's helped in the past and it would help to counterbalance the negative impact losing work (due to technology, mostly) has had on my morale. On your end it sounds more like conventional writer's block, which, as I stated previously, I don't really know if I have.