[@Pudding][@Leslie Hall] I'm just going to ditch the time power if that's alright. I've been spending the last three hours or more rewriting and figuring out the costs and limitations and I give up. While thematic in the whole "time and space" concept and having the limitations be within a few seconds to a few minutes due to how fast combat can be and how much wide of an area the magic has an effect on... I'm banging my head against a wall for an ability that feels too much like I'm trying to imp Homura while keeping the spell from being overpowered with how long it can last. The spell was expanding from where Tim had been at the point of casting. If he leaves the bubble before the time's up, it pops taking with it all the magic put into its creation. It effectively would immobilize everything within the bubble but not prevent, say, attacks from entering it. However any outside force would just freeze at the edge before resuming its projected path and speed. The way I saw it playing out was a silver-white pattern emitting motes of rainbow light spreading itself out during casting on the floor from his feet or (if Tim was airborne) out from his navel in the air. While it takes a brief amount of time to 'load' (though this takes a bit longer the further out it has to spread), it is enough for a being to realize an AoE or something was about to take place and either target Tim or try to get out of range.