[quote]"That's Nor. The girl. The godkeeper. A snare like me, not a god but gods are afraid. Of her, not of me. I'm just Soul." He lifted his face to the sky, where the remains of Lha-tak's storms scudded calmly across the sky as dark dissipating clouds. "It's getting dark."[/quote] Godkeeper. Rain just nodded as Soul explained. She never cared for how most people treated snares. They had as much a right to live their lives as anyone else did. The darkness, however, would provide with another problem: it would make working more tedious. She would need another two hours to fix the elevator at least, and helping Nor would slow that down too. She hadn't noticed the newly awakened member of the Stone. "Alright, Soul, what do we have that can help Nor out?" Having someone around that the gods feared sounded like a good idea to her. A little bit of protection from being possessed sounded fine by her. "Probably be best to get her down here before nightfall. Also, what do we have for lights?" She started to scan the area for anything useful to get Nor safely down here. There were gears everywhere. And another person climbing the wreckage. She blinked a few times just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating from some unknown blow to the head. She then cleared her throat. "Hey!" She called out to the stranger climbing the rubble. "Can you help pull some of these gears over... y'know and make some steps or something for the the lady to make her way down here to join us?" She waved over towards Nor to specify exactly who she was talking about. She then approached the stranger and help him move the heavy gears. "I'm Rain, you are?"