Zuri could feel the darkness within her slowly flowing through her once again after receiving mana from Alya. She wanted to try out her powers, but was abruptly disturbed by a huge growl from her stomach. It was at that moment when she experienced how it feels when you haven't eaten anything for thousands of years. [color=6ecff6]'I could eat anything right about now..'[/color] she thought to herself. Wandering around and exploring the environment that she'll stay for the time being, she heads towards the kitchen as she followed the scent of food that started to take over. [color=00aeef]"That smells good."[/color] Zuri comments before turning a corner and stands at the doorway of the kitchen and asks [color=0072bc]"I'm starving! Is there something I can eat.. Please?"[/color] with her hands on her empty stomach as if she was in pain.