Wren had arrived in Ecros long before the sun had risen as to not startle many people with his large tiger form pulling his cart. He knew his kind was not the most welcome of races in many places but most seemed to tolerate him if he had a decent amount of goods to sell, which is why he still traveled from city to city. This was his life, the one he had left his tribe for just after completing his right of passage. He was in love with traveling, he was fascinated by all the races, especially those he would never have any chance of meeting back home. He held no fear of the orcs or hatred toward Solarians. Everyone was a possible customer in his eyes. He had to make money somehow and he couldn't do that by limiting the amount of people he sold to. So he did not discriminate and instead treated every race with the same amount of respect he would toward his now tribe members. By the time the sun began to rise and the city began to wake Wren had already found a decent place to set up his cart, sticked with preserved meats from many of his hunts, something he was sure would sell well here. He also had furs though he limited his display as this was a hot area and he was sure his furs wouldn't sell well here, they sold better in cold areas but most likely not here. Of all his traveling he had never come to Ecros, he had to gather more items to sell through trade before he could come to the wasteland or far west as many called it. Because of this he had a decent amount of other supplies such as yarns, dishes, leathers, and weapons. Most of which he was sure he would be able to sell here for a fair price. He stood alone in the hot sun a while as people wondered by him, some inspecting the items as they passed and others ignoring the cart all together. It wasn't until the city really started to wake up that he started making sales and trades. It seemed people were slightly weary of him first but the more people started to come over to his cart the more they seemed to get comfortable with him. He smiled and bartered all the while, loving the interaction with the people. His ears twitched at every sound, constantly moving so he could hear better, and his tail twitched in response to his mood. It was a good day so far with Wren and he hoped it would stay that way. He wasn't looking for trouble and he certainly didn't want to be forced to do something to scare away his customers. He would stay here until his cart was mostly empty and move on, if he had not trouble here.