I'm watching samurai flamenco, and they need to consider making more superhero anime that don't rely entirely on magic and stuff. But where Flamenco was based on japanese superhero shows, I'd like to see some western inspired hero shows. I'd love to see some japanese animators take their best shot at creating something that felt like an 80s-90s comic book. [@NekoMizu] Well obviously we need a little life or death action going on. But I think Jenga is a registered trademark isn't it? We'd need to edit the name, like how all anime characters go to "wickdonalds" to get their hamburgers from a red haired clown. I'm thinking "Jango" (Jan-Go) would be a pretty stellar way to rename it. Almost sounds bushido now. I do think it would be wasted if it was just turned into some cheezy comedy anime though. Maybe there's a few episodes with people saying things like "Jango is humans trying in futility to build a tower into the heavens." or something philosophical. Asian people are crazy about that stuff. [@Shoryu Magami] I'll keep it short. The contradictions make it feel like bad fan fiction. It felt unnecessary as a whole. The third game is called "V3" instead of "3" because it's not a direct continuation of the first two games. Supposedly Monokuma is the only returning character. Maybe Kazutaka Kodaka just needs to stick to making good games a bit longer before tackling something like anime.