[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pFZtE0J.png[/img] [h2][color=faebd7][b][u] Lotte ⛨ Chaubert [/u] [sup][sup]Current Location: Dinner Hall[/sup][/sup][/b][/color][/h2] [/center] [color=cccccc] [color=faebd7]"..."[/color] It was a day like any other at the Seishun Sword Academy, one of, if not the, the world's most prestigious smiting academies. As a part of their dedicated staff, [url=http://i.imgur.com/u6GoP2P.png][color=faebd7]Lotte Chaubert[/color][/url] —the kitsune maid— woke up quite a bit earlier than most of the students and began tending to her chores as soon as she was done with grooming herself. Actually, this wasn't going to be so much of a normal day. In truth the hubbub around the academy spoke of the anticipation for the grandness of the challenge that had just been issued by the Headmaster. To forge a blade fit to serve as the physical embodiment of a god. It wasn't something that was requested of the students everyday as such Lotte anticipated that the staff, including herself would be getting a lot of work during this preparation week. Having finished with her early morning chores, tending to the stables, grocery shopping, moving boxes of tools and coal for the smiting workshops as well as cleaning around the academy, Lotte joined the kitchen staff in preparation for the breakfast. The dinner hall was ready as soon as the sun was about to peek over the horizon with the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries as well as other foods, wafting all over the academy. Soon enough the students would come to eat and Lotte would be there to serve them with the best of goods. After all, one couldn't man a forge on an empty stomach. Of course, the fact that some of them might ask for Lotte's help on a Field expedition was something that she thought of as well, since there was no real way for Lotte to choose who she would help first, Lotte was a bit nervous thinking how she would do to refuse those she couldn't manage, if the smiths weren't willing to go on a group expedition. Either way, those considerations were better left for later when they actually would make sense. For now Lotte kept on waiting, with a teapot ready to serve and a pace as deadpan as ever, just like any respectable maid should be. At least for now all was good in the world, indeed. [color=faebd7]"..."[/color] [/color]