[@KOGaming] [@Legion02] The main forge for creating ingots would indeed be communal for the purposes of creating ingots and whatnot, although some students if they had the money or time to raise the money could potentially have a personal metallurgy forge in their own workshop for the purposes of privately smelting ores together away from prying eyes. Workshops have whatever your student has built up over their time at Seishun, but since we're at the beginning of this RP your working furnace will just about be standard fare. You won't have to worry about resources too much, I've calculated it's roughly enough for about 12 swords so as long as everyone takes just the amount they need it'll work out, but if we actually run out I'll add some extra materials because that'd be my fault for not calculating it well enough ^^; [@Lonewolf685] In terms of handles, you could make one out of wood or other materials but for the purposes of this challenge it'd be better to make it out of complete metal because the God doesn't exactly need to hold the Sword. Your character is also good from me :D You can start posting whenever you'd like. [hr] [u]Minor Update on Materials:[/u] [list] [*][color=black]Black Steel[/color] 15 Units -10 Units [@KOGaming] -5 Units [@Jerkchicken] Current Amount: 0 Units [*][color=dimgray]Steel[/color] 30 Units -5 Units [@KOGaming] Current Amount: 25 Units [*][color=darkslategray]Iron[/color] 30 Units -5 Units [@KOGaming] -10 Units [@Jerkchicken] Current Amount: 15 Units [/list]