[Center][color=orange][H1]Darius[/H1][/color][/Center] [color=orange]Why is it people do this?[/color] was the only question he had running through his mind as he rushed towards the now burning stage. A few hours earlier he had walked into town hoping to listen to some music and enjoy the company of some fellow music lovers near the stage. This festival was supposed to be one of the best to occur. Now that festival was ruined and the once sturdy stage was a huge hazard to many near it. Thankfully, the heat was pushing many people away, but the flames rapidly deconstructing the wooden structure didn't care about trapping them underneath the dismantled parts. Using his talent, Darius subtly reinforced and slowed the fall of several beams so he could help people get those already hurt away from the burning structure. Once he was sure they were safe, he stopped using his talent and looked for others that were potentially in trouble. Spotting two people fighting some guards, he started running towards them to see if he could keep the conflict from escalating. [color=orange]Hey, what the heck is going on?![/color] he shouted as he got closer, hoping to disrupt the fight long enough to get some explanations going.