The carnage caused by the other heroes had not gone unnoticed. Several Fourth Reich vehicles had heard about the problems going on and were currently redeploying to their location. The small group composed of a light tank and a troop carrier, both carrying fifteen soldiers. The reports had been garbled, and therefore they had very little idea what was going on. For all they knew, the trouble was being caused by just a bunch of random enemy soldiers. If they made it to the battleground, they would last about a minute. Luckily for them, they wouldn't get killed at the battleground. Unluckily for them, this was because someone was perched on a building, watching them as they slowly drove past. It was a figure dressed completely in grey, with a hood obscuring his face, with the only parts of his skin visible being completely pale. The only color on him was the bright lightning bolt on his costume, and his light blue eyes, which almost seemed to shine from the darkness in his hood. From his perch on the building, he got up and lazily stepped forward, letting himself drop. He took a deep breath as he fell, and watched the troop carrier on the front. Suddenly, he shot forward, bringing his shoulder forward and smashing into the carrier like a rocket. He winced in pain as it took the impact of the strike, but it worked, the carrier tipping to its side, suspended for a moment before falling on its back. Andrew landed on his feet, still wincing slightly, but turned around to look at the light tank and the second carrier coming towards him. He couldnt help but let a giggle escape from his lips as the gunner on the tank fired his machine gun, tearing up the road in front of him. Andrew shot upwards, landing on the tank turret with a motion that looked like a graceful jump. The gunner didnt even say a word, as Andrew plucked his machine gun from its mounting with a smile, and proceeded to smash it down upon his head, annihilating his entire skull and sending him flying back down into the bowels of the tank. A wonderful surprise for the rest of the crew. With that, he looked at the flipped carrier, where soldiers were beginning to pour out of, seeming disconcerted by the strike they had taken earlier. He loved this. He. Absolutely. LOVED IT. Whether it was the memories of an Egyptian prince in his mind, or the power flowing through his veins, nothing compared to it. They always tried, chipping away at him with those little projectile firing weapons, their arrogance turning to panic, then their everything turning to lovely messes. It was beautiful. This was the thought he had in his head as he hopped off the tank and made his way towards the soldiers, who proceeded to open fire. The bullets bounced off Andrew like a fly bouncing off a tank. To the soldier's credit, that wasn't to say he didn't feel them. Actually, they all felt like somebody was repeatedly poking him. Sure, some pokes would hurt more than others, but they were nothing to be concerned about. The first soldier was torn clean in half, Andrew's hands separating his body into pieces with a grunt of effort, before he grabbed the leg of the second and launching him towards another two. The pattern continued, until the area looked rather akin to an Abattoir, with Andrew laughing as one of the wounded blazed away with his sidearm, seemingly ignorant of the rather large chunk scooped out of his abdomen. The superhuman spitefully kicked him in the face as he strolled past, not sparing him a second glance as he walked towards the tank, who's crew seemed to have finally put their brains in their heads and aimed their turret his way. Andrew laughed. [i]"An excellent try. Now try and get a shot o..."[/i] It fired, the shell exploding in front of Andrew and sent him flying backwards , smashing into the upside down carrier and nearly flipping it the right way up again. He groaned, and pulled himself out of the Andrew-Sized hole that had been made in the side of the carrier. He got to his feet, and gritted his teeth. The explosion had done little more than irritate him. ....but it had done a lot worse to his pride. He launched himself forward, landing on the turret again and dropped into the interior of it, his feet landing in the mess that was the commander he had hit with the gun earlier. It was cramped, but he could see the faces of the crew. What happened next, was mercifully short. __________ After picking over the corpses, he flew away from them, looking over the city for anything interesting while eating a slightly dry sausage sandwich that he had found on one of the corpses. He didnt need to eat in that form of course, but habits were hard to shake. Ever since he had got his powers, he had felt a odd craving for figs and slightly dry meat. He had no idea why he felt that wa... "Hey bitch!" He looked up from his sandwich, to hear someone yelling in the distance. Despite all the explosions and sounds of battle in the city, it oddly stood out. Andrew slowly hovered towards the noise, when it spoke again. Commies? Boxing matches? What the fuck was this person talking about? His ears pricked up at the mention of a speedster, only to be hit with a wave of disappointment when the voice yelled about it being dead. He just wanted to fight something...challenging. Although he had torn apart infantry like wet paper, he wanted something that didnt explode when he punched it. At least, not at first. Would a speedster be any more durable though? They might need it in case they ran into anything...speaking of which, did they have super reflexes as well, to prevent them from pasting themselves over a wall every time they ran? But then again, if they did, why were they not dodging every attack that went their way? This person said he had punched the speedster to death, but then again... Losing his train of thought, Andrew hovered above the clearing. Below was someone in a...suit of some kind, as well as a woman in...not a great deal. Figures. The man in the suit was the one yelling so much. Did he get his powers from the suit? Would he die if it broke? Questions for a bit later. Andrew hovered down slightly, before sitting with his legs hanging down on the blown out side of a building. He took another bite of his sandwich, before watching intently. It would be rude to interrupt a battle like that, so he decided to wait and introduce himself to the victor. If they attacked, he would rip their head off. If they didn't...well, he would use his judgement. Something he didn't use often nowadays. He took another bite, before tossing it away, unintentionally towards the battleground. No wonder the Fourth Reich soldiers from earlier attacked him. He would want to die too, if he had to eat crap like that.