I will decorate this if it is at least accepted for a possible use in the rp. [hider=Another Wrath char to consider] Name: Drake Avalon Age: 18 Kingdom: Reijar Height: 6'0 Weight: 200 lbs Hair Color: Blackish-brown Eye Color: Blue Gender: Male Written Appearance: Drake Avalon is a fairly muscular, pale skinned traveler of the Reijar kingdom. His eyes are of a crimson shade, and that some say glow faintly like a dim candle. Much of his moderately detailed features and facial structures could be described as that of a young Nordic or Germanic tribe member, slightly angular and well shaped. His hair however, is in contrast messy and spiky, covering over his forehead and down to his neck, and it is an almost black shade of brown. He typically wears a green and red tunic/cloak with a hood that can cast and overshadow over his face. Beneath that cloak is a leather, iron studded armor with plated boots, leggings, chest, and shoulder-pads. Brand Appearance: A Black emblem of a dragon's neck, head, and a pair of wings in a simplistic design located on the back of both hands. Personality: Despite being inclined to wrath, Drake is a very silent individual, his aggression is at first, more lenient towards passive aggressive anger. Self conscience of his own destructive anger and how easy he is to provoke he tries to manage such extreme outburst in sarcasm, off-hand comments, subtlety rude behavior, and releasing his anger on healthier outlets then murder such as blowing up a rock or punching a wall every now and then. Not only is he quiet, but he also refuses to speak about his problems with anyone let alone open up any vulnerable side to people, even if they reach out to him. However if angered enough, his darker side will start coming out, the more typical and expected angry shouting and savage blood lust for retribution of his ire become his note worthy traits after a certain threshold of anger and annoyance, a personality that slowly and slowly boils and unfolds into that of a true dragon. An increasing narcissistic and wrathful persona develops whenever his passive aggressive control can no longer quell and bottle up his issues, a result of any form or combination of negative emotions that overflow his method of control. At the very peak of this anger, one could swear he is either some sort of demon or wild animal, with a blind lust for destruction, blood lust, and rage. Background: The Reijar kingdom were notorious dragon slayers, many of their most prided knights have gotten their rank from personally slaying a type of dragon, it is customary to do so. Most do not succeed, as many dragons are notorious for being considered one of the most powerful natural forces of the world. It is certainly not easy for a fire breathing reptilian monstrosity to be slain, regardless of its form, size, or strength compared to other individual dragons. Drake, was born in a family of nobles, who were customary to send their non-first sons into the practice and employment of knighthood, like all the other noble families of the kingdom. Since his birth though, other families would gossip of the 'demon child' or the 'dragon boy', while his true power was yet to be realized by yet, his short temper even at a young age and the strange birthmark that was his brand gave many the ideas that he was an omen, or a demon child. Many said that he would end the kingdom with an army of dragons, or he would turn into a dragon himself. When he was 16, he was sent early for his age to slay a dragon and prove his loyalty to the crown of Reijar. Its not as though he had a choice, as if he refused the kingdom's disdain for him would only increase to untrusting levels. When he encountered his dragon, the first response from the beast was a breath of flames, that much to both of their surprise, did not bother Drake at all. And after brief confusion, the dragon simply trampled and crushed drake to near-death shortly after. To make the story short, he failed, unable to slay the beast. Yet, the beast did not kill him, strangely enough, after shattering his arm and brusing the rest of his beaten body, the dragon simply turned away, leaving Drake there, who walked back to the kingdom in defeat. Having failed his quest, and the fact that he was spared by the dragon rousing much suspicion, the king of reijar himself ordered the arrest of both Drake and his family. They were to be executed, first his parents, last the omen child. Enraged at the death of his parents, Drake erupted years of suppressed social abuse in the form of his unique power of a sin. His wrathe transformed him into what his own people feared, and in his draconic rage, escaped his cell and trampled over many frantic guards and even bathing the king himself in flames before flying off and away from the source of his eternal anguish. Since then, he has wandered the land, in search of purpose. Weapon: A steel shortsword that had survived with him since his days as a knight is all that he has to defend himself. Ability: Dragonic Fury Drake has the power to transform into a full-on typical dragon at full potential. Granting him unique traits more-so then an actual power, even among other sins. In full transformation he has: Iron-hard scales, Powerful strength in porportion to a 70 ft long dragon Flight, Fire-breathing and other minor forms of fire manipulation (Limited to creating flames directly from his body, such as igniting his own body in flames, or creating a ball of fire in a hand.) Undefined heat resistance (Cannot be burned, even at extreme temperatures from lava or intense energy, however he isn't per say, immune to fire indefinetly. Other factors such as an explosive force of a fireball can still affect him) However, his power has several other limits. -cold conditions and ice or water based attacks and factors can weaken or nuetralize his fire power, limiting to his non-fire based natural weaponry and strength. -He cannot fully transform unless he reaches the pinnacle of his 'anger' threshold, which can only be reached through intense tragedy, or, excessive and long-endured abuse. Essentially making him impossible to use his full strength until after either a very long lasting fight or struggle, or if something say, someone close to him dies. -Being a 70 ft long beast makes him a large target, and also hinders flexibility and speed despite being able to fly. -While most of his scales are as hard and durable as iron, the pale scales along his underbelly are just as vulnerable as human flesh in terms of durability. However even if he isn't enraged, he can perform minor transformations. Namely he can temporary grow wings, form scales over his skin, grow a spear-like reptilian tail, grow claws over his hands and feet, turn his hands into fire-breathing dragon heads, or spitting flames from his mouth. Otherwise, at his base form he is limited to the standard demigod's physical enhancements. [/hider]