[i]Defend ally - defend hostages - defend ally - defend...![/i] The robot stood still, like some kind of statue or stationary sentinel. His eyes were the only things moving, rapidly shifting his gaze between the rescued hostages and the black-clad metahuman under attack. His programming was rampant, trying to order him to do two tasks simultaneously. But since he was only one entity, Atom could not perform either task, and instead appeared to be at a mental impasse, unable to take any action. Then, it was all too late. The Baroness crashed down onto the ground, literally stomping the panther-man to death. "Casualty report. One. Metahuman." spoke the robot in a cold, seemingly uncaring tone. At almost the same time, the fire meta offered to get the rescued hostages to safety, confirming the completion of the robot's task of rescuing them. Now both mission priorities were gone, leaving only the mission's prime directive of capturing the Amazon. But by that point, the Baroness was under attack herself from two different sources. A sniper opening fire from an unknown location and the armored nuclear man blasting her and attempting what could be a lethal drop kick on her head. "Intervene! NOW! We need the Baroness alive!" Trent's voice, becoming audibly frustrated. Atom responded by locking all of his combat functionalities onto the Baroness, his thrusters beginning to fire up. "Command confirmed." with those words, the robot was off like a blazing rocket. His flight systems were working overtime to get him to the target's location before she could be seriously damaged by her attackers. The robot was just fast enough that he collided with her split seconds before the first atomic blast could make contact. Such a physical blow coming seemingly out of nowhere took her completely off guard and the Amazon found herself in an aerial grappling match with Atom while he forcibly flew them both straight up. They went up. Up. Up higher until they were nearly in the stratosphere. At this height, the air became thin, almost dangerously so. Fighter pilots always donned oxygen masks when flying at this height, and for good reason. The Amazon was strong, amazingly strong. Gifted with divine strength from her Godly lineage. But all the strength in the world meant nothing if one had no air to breathe. As the air thinned, the Amazon had to take deeper and deeper breaths which meant she couldn't devote as much concentration to fending off the robot's hold on her. Soon enough he had her in a literal stranglehold, until her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she lost consciousness. "Target neutralized." Atom reported, now turning them around into a rapid descent back to the ground. He touched ground several meters away from where the Baroness had originally stood, but couldn't slow his descent fast enough to land gently. Instead he impacted the ground like a small meteorite, leaving a crater behind with a diameter that matched the width of a two-lane highway. The robot straightened his stance, the Amazon's unconscious form slumped over his shoulder, but he didn't move. In fact, he looked like he was waiting for something. That was because he was indeed waiting. He was waiting for the containment unit which was no doubt on its way there to collect the prisoner. Metahuman prisoners like this one needed special modes of transport due to their wide array of abilities and powers. STAR Labs had recently began manufacturing such containment cells using a combination of advanced human technology, reverse-engineered alien technology, and even some mystical power sources. The latter would surely be needed for one with Amazonian strength, which technically counted as a mystical power that, ergo, could only be contained by mystical means. "Monitor the other meta's there with you until the transport arrives." Trent's voice, giving some new orders, "The Baroness is a prisoner of the US Army now, so do [i]not[/i] - under [i]any[/i] circumstances - let them get their hands on her." "Command confirmed." responded Atom, who then set about scanning the other meta's to assess their abilities and any possible weaknesses they might have.